What's happening?


Active Member
Merry Christmas!
Not sure what's going on with my plants they've been droopy the last few days so I changed their water. Just did ro water ph'd to 5.6. Today they're not drooping but a few leaves are burned. Some look dried up what causes this?



Active Member
600watt mh. The light was close I think that's what caused them to start to droop. I moved the light almost 3ft away. Temp is usually 80 and 40%rh


Well-Known Member
80 is kind of high for temperature. In general 80 is the hottest you want to go in your room. I like to keep my Vegging plants 72-75F. If you can lower the temps down and make sure you have good air circulation going on all the plants. Just will have to play with the light distance until the plants start showing signs that they are not stressed. Then from there you can work your way down slowly with the light maybe a inch or two and see how the plants react for the next couple of days then keep doing that until you find your sweet spot.. Hope that helps


Active Member
Can't get temps to change but I do have airflow. They have been growing good. I started adjusting the height of the light and messed it up


Well-Known Member
Yea if you have to it best to keep the temps down if all possible. This is just future reference but for your setup ( where heat is a problem ) LED's might be your best bet to help keep your temperatures down.


Well-Known Member
my 2 cent.. I don't think the temp is your issue
while 75 is ideal and it would be nice to keep it under 80 those plants are not showing signs of heat stress and theres no burning tips

im guessing maybe theyre getting too much N

theyre very lush and green which is good until its too much

whats your ppm/EC?

are you using cal/mag that also has N in it?

have you sprayed them with aminos, or dark energy type product?
have they been sprayed with anything?

too much N can make the tissue soft and leaf tare easily


Well-Known Member
oh shit
I haven't done the math yet my my first thought is your getting abit to mush N from the cal mag... that seems like it might be too much

what I need to know is how much cal mag per gallon that your using

650ppm might be high for those little ones
I only feed 800ppm when there huge

maybe drop down to 500ppm total