What's more depressing, the Tsunami in Japan or this fucking BULLSHIT!!!


Well-Known Member
Tell me what the fuck is going on??? I know it's none of my business and not the target demographic but WTF.. This shit ain't cute anymore... Any suicidal thoughts?? I am....



bud bootlegger
and what is she, 12?? this is what american idol is doing to the american music scene.. uggh.. thank you mr, simon cowel.. what would we have done wtihout you??


Well-Known Member
Bad enough that she sings in a talking voice, then they had to autotune and vocoder that shit?
Anyway, someone please step on her face if you see her.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
This is worse then the tsunami...much worse....

Yeah you know why the Japanese aren't raping and looting? This bullshit isn't on their radio....because the radio station is under water!!! Zing.......!

...To soon?