Whats my problem?


Active Member
Plants are about 2 months old in Promix BX.
Organic fed.
starts near the tip of the leaf. starting with the bottom leaves.
they become crunchy and die off.

They are under a 600watt hps, temps at day 76-80.
temps at night 75.

using tap water thats been sitting for 24 hrs to water them.

This year im trying 'The Shitz' (camel grow joe)

Whats my problem?
My ladies expect me to save them, help.

this pic is from 7 days ago


Well-Known Member
I think you need calcium?mag ...Not sure if you have spider mites. this starting at the bottom of the plant because if it is it is likely cal /mag . if it is Dolomite dissolved in water 1 tblspoon per gallon of water at the next watering Did you add dolomite into the soil because for organics it is a must do. >:Peace:


Well-Known Member
cal/ mag is a balance. Stress can cause similar problems. I use a table spoon per gallon of soil mix. Plus a small amount of additional mag 2 weeks into flowering.


Well-Known Member
hate to say it, but looks like could be a virus. just killed one of mine that looking the same way. like D said, try the cal mag, or could be root issues-overwatering, rootbound, etc.


Well-Known Member
What is the ph of the soil though? May just be lockout, not a deficiency.

And what's in your organic mix?


Active Member
My ph reads 7.0 roughly, i have an old school probe.

And so it should read 7.0 after the dose of dol lime.

My main food is The Shitz (Camel Grow Joe) 7-4-4. i also use piranha and tarantula from AN.

recently ive started using Sensi Zym and organic B from AN. i used 10ml/gallon of water like the bottles said.

I mixed a bottle of all of it together using the reccomended doses and this problem seemed to bloom.

today it is fairly worse. i have 3 plants, 1 plant is 2 weeks older than the other 2. one of the younger ones is showing the most spots and burned leaves.


Active Member
I will start a daily shower of epsom water on the bitches. half a teaspoon per liter seem about right to spray the foliage?

If problem persists, this should rule out thats theres not enough MG, if my studies are correct. pls correct me if im wrong

The Shitz contains MG as well... is it possible im just under feeding?

ill post new pics in 2 days


Well-Known Member
I could not get away with adding all that stuff...:) It makes hard to tell what is going on. Also that orange light makes the colours off in the PICS. Organic grows with the dolomite stay at PH 7


Well-Known Member
Well the first thing you need to realize is that damaged old growth will always be damaged. I don't have any experience with the nutrients you're using but it doesn't sound like you could be starving them too much and the ph sounds fine.

What you'll have to do is play with the level of nutrients you add and watch to see if you're getting good evenly colored new growth that isn't pale and that it doesn't turn out like the old leaves or that the old leaves don't get worse and die and fall off completely. Too much fertilizer and the leaves will start to curl under, so you're riding the fine line between nice green new leaves and just before curling starts.


Active Member
in eyeball'd it. if anything if was a low dose. But...I did add it to water and then watter the plants with the milky dol lime water. i cant see this being a problem tho.