Whats next??


Active Member
At this point what sould i be doing to my plants? This is my first grow so im still very inexperienced lol. They look healthy to me but i just want to make sure i get the most out of my harvest. They are all about 2-3 feet tall. I havent topped, croped or anything else to them. Well actually 5 are lst'ing but the rest are untouched. I water and feed them every couple of days aswell. Im hoping for a few pounds or more. Do u guys think i can atleast get a 1/2 pound per plant.


Well-Known Member
yeah you can get a half bo for sure.. just keep watering and feeding until you see flowers. Then switch to flowering nutrients!


Active Member
Ok so i shouldnt be cropping them? Also what are these little bulbs near the stem? And what does it mean?20120707_192956.jpg


Well-Known Member
your doing good if i was you i would disk or hoe up the ground around the plants it looks like you dug small holes and the roots really need room to grow so if you can aerate the ground in anyway they will grow bigger faster and next remember bigger holes and they look as if they have been or they are going in reveg.


Well-Known Member
OP.......they look great. you can supercrop if you wish, but you are beyond the point of other training methods. i wish i could grow in the open.......*sigh*


Well-Known Member
i hear you about growing in the open no rain and miles deep = one sore back worst year in a long long time


Active Member
Ya most of my plants are reveging. Once my bro relized he wasnt gonna use the rest of the plants he left em all in the shade for a few weeks and then they started to go into flowering mode. Once i told him that i would take him he put in the sun and they started to reveg


Active Member
On the picture i posted of the bulb looking thing near the stem, does that mean they're flowering? And if so should i start giving them bloom nutrients or should i still wait?


Well-Known Member
i dont see the "bulb looking thing" you are talking about.... try circling it in your picture.... and no I sincerely doubt they are flowering unless they are genetically predisposed to (which is an uncommon strain trait)


Well-Known Member
The bulb looking thing is a calyx, and it's just from preflowering. I'd hold off on the bloom nutes until the season changes and your plant naturally goes into flowering.