I'm thinking soAll those white spots look like bugs, mites?
The fact that you can't wipe it off makes it seem like it IS bug damage. If it were mineral deposits they wouldn't be permanently in the leaf. It looks like bug damage, not actually bugs themselves. Mites will suck the life out of your leaves from the bottom side. Pluck a damaged leaf off and look at the underside with the microscope.I looked at it through my macro lens I use to do trichome photography a while back and no bugs that I could see. I'll check again. I can't wipe anything off which leads to believe it's not bugs. But I'll check one more time to be sure. They are in week 5 of flower so spraying isn't an option.
I looked under with my macro lens 3.5x and see nothing moving. I can see the leaf fur at that magnification. I’ve had spider mites before about 15 years ago and you can see the crawling around with the naked eye plus the webs they start too.The fact that you can't wipe it off makes it seem like it IS bug damage. If it were mineral deposits they wouldn't be permanently in the leaf. It looks like bug damage, not actually bugs themselves. Mites will suck the life out of your leaves from the bottom side. Pluck a damaged leaf off and look at the underside with the microscope.
Strange...I looked under with my macro lens 3.5x and see nothing moving. I can see the leaf fur at that magnification. I’ve had spider mites before about 15 years ago and you can see the crawling around with the naked eye plus the webs they start too.