whats right and whats not??


Well-Known Member
so iv been told many different things...
iv had my 4 plants growing under 18/6 for about a month but recently iv heard that a 24hour continuous light schedule is better during veg time.. is this true? whats the difference between 18/6 and continuous light?


Well-Known Member
so iv been told many different things...
iv had my 4 plants growing under 18/6 for about a month but recently iv heard that a 24hour continuous light schedule is better during veg time.. is this true? whats the difference between 18/6 and continuous light?

well for me, i like to play better safe than sorry. i think plants like other living things need rest and night. doesnt seem healthy to force them on 24 hours. but im not sure. the darkness might be a kind of regeneration almost for them. but idk i have never tested it myself. i just do 18/6 to be safe.


Well-Known Member
so iv been told many different things...
iv had my 4 plants growing under 18/6 for about a month but recently iv heard that a 24hour continuous light schedule is better during veg time.. is this true? whats the difference between 18/6 and continuous light?
Well, the main difference is that your plants will grow, approximately, 1/4 faster under 24 than 18 hours. I have heard it said that older plants need a "rest" period (hence 18/6), and have witnessed myself signs of stress on my mothers when I go to 24 hours. Seedlings, apparantly, can handle the 24 hour period, and I like to clone under 24 hours, but in the end, I'm not really sure that it makes that much of a difference. I tend to go with 18/6 these days, because my moms and clones, seedlings, etc. all share the same space, and also I like to use a little less energy (especially in winter when I have a space heater going in the cloning area)... I'm sure others will chime in with varying opinions, but I think in the end, it's a matter of personal preference.


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
this goes into some detail on the cycle..all the advice that is given is people personal experiences..you need to take what works best for you and just leave the restlarger yields :weed:


Active Member
the simple answer is that there is no simple/right answer. some veg under 24/7 some under 18/6, some don't veg at all. like everything else about our beloved plant, there are many ways to do it correctly.

it depends on YOUR personal grow situation and preference. I still a newbie, but from everything i've read 24/7 or 18/6 is a preference