What's so bad about Hermies...????


I hear alot of people talking about hermies. What's so bad about them? Do they produce buds like the a male or female? Or is it that you just can't clone one? Please gimme a good reason why their bad in some peoples eyes? I just want to know sense I'm a newbee and I don't know how to sex them or anything too good. I mean, will a hermie smoke just as good as any make or female?


Well-Known Member
seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds galore..... one hermi will not only pollinate itself, but everything else in the room too.... think seeds.... lots and lots of seeeeeeeeeeeds


Well-Known Member
I hear alot of people talking about hermies. What's so bad about them? Do they produce buds like the a male or female? Or is it that you just can't clone one? Please gimme a good reason why their bad in some peoples eyes? I just want to know sense I'm a newbee and I don't know how to sex them or anything too good. I mean, will a hermie smoke just as good as any make or female?
For a start males dont produce buds only females do, Hermis are female plants that develope male pollen sacks, if given the chance a hermi will pollenate itself and any other females in the grow room which will ruin your whole crop


Well-Known Member
A hermie is bad in a lot of ways. When youve been looking forward to a nice big fat bud smotherd in white snow :D and your on your way in to the grow op with a big pair of cutters on you and you notice big fat seeds every where its heart breaking well for me anyway i find it affects quality and quantity.


I'm having a very hard time sexing my plants... They are almost two weeks into flowering... Is there any way to sex them now and save the crop???????


And can someone help me with the sexing???? I can provide good pics, just need to know what I'm taking a pic of...

Alabama High Test

Active Member
Hermies suck man, I had a bad bag of that shit. Literally about 30 seeds per bud. And talk about some straight swag man. You would be better off doing that fake crap.


From my experience sexing plants early, males usually appear first. This is not always true, but after a week, if my plants are not already showing sacks from in between where the stalk/stem meets with a fan leaf, then it is usually a female. Hairs will come form same spot as balls.

red fury

Active Member
little bananas all over the bud, and when smoked can cause a headaches. I just harvested 6 that all hermi'd on me, luckily in the last 3 weeks of flower so i didnt have to worry about seeds. but having to handpick all those buggers can get pretty annoying, especially when the tweezers get coated in resin.


Active Member
1) The plant will stop working on producing resin and concentrate on making seeds when pollinated...by a hermie or otherwise.
2) A hermie that seeds itself, produces seeds that will carry on the hermie trait = worthless
3) Even a few seeds in your bud makes it taste bad
4) A hermie will pollinate your entire garden. Most of the seeds from the other plants will carry the hermie trait also (in my experience)

I could think of more reasons not to keep a hermie, but I will just suggest harvesting hermies as soon as they are detected and putting them in the hash pile or something.

You can still get nice bud off late hermies, if you chop when the bananas show up....but nobody wants the seeds off a plant that goes herm, or cuttings....so just get it out of the gene pool please.