Whats the best method for checking PH on soil plants


Well-Known Member
Whats goin?? I just got some fertilizer and started it and also grabbed a ph tester, the guy at the store said to check the "drained" water or excess water but its already dark yellow to begin with because its stained from the dirt. Is there a better way of checking it? Can i check the ph then add fert to the water?


Well-Known Member
You can pick one up for $10-20. Some come with multi-meters for moisture & light. They have metal probes to push into the soil, and are plenty accurate.


Well-Known Member
i can just pick one of those up at any garden center eh? or walmart during the summer---its winter and most garden shit is seasonal here :( ive been using the excess water when i do water and its actually not to stained from the dirt so i get good readings---sitting at 6.2 :) in miracle grow too, i use tap water and let it sit a day then put in a bucket with a fish air bubbler in it.


Well-Known Member
he sold me a 1 pound thing of 20-20-20 fert and a ph tester kit. i also went to a fish store and bought ph up and down and then later heard pool stores are the cheapest, you can basically get lifetime supply for small grows lol