What's the Best Strain for Outdoors?


Active Member
It really all depends. Most headshops will tell you which are best. This summer I am going to be growing Summer Buddah and Switzerland Bliss both are suppose to do great outdoors and produce pretty good yeilds.


Well-Known Member
well i was thinking about early misty, because its short (low profile) and is resistant to bugs and temperatures, and also it ends earlier. what do you guys think. is that a strain youve grown before


Well-Known Member
The “best” outdoor strain is really determined by your location, north or south, arid or humid, temperature ranges, length of growing season, etc.

I agree with themaritimer, I love AK-47, but in my area it is much more susceptible to mold outdoors, so I grow it only indoors. It is VERY humid in my climate towards end of season.
Lots of variables to determine "best".


Well-Known Member
AK-47!, Apollo 11, Northern LightsxHaze, Skunk #1, Flo....Anything?
Nirvana's NLxHaze is very, very good, so is their Northern Lights...
I think you could almost just chose any other one you want and be good to go! Great growing climate, whitey!


Well-Known Member
i grow some early queen outdoors. i think it is along the same line as misty. turned out killer. biggest issue. NIGHT MOTHS. they come in about aug - sept. and lay caterpillar eggs inside all my nuggies. also had luck with: belladonna, purple kush, chemo, martian mean green, trainwreck.


Well-Known Member
Damn right I'm like reading through all these people talking about what's an awesome outdoor plant and finally someone mentions the most popular fuckin outdoor in CALI in my opinion lol .....it's great outdoors but the shit is every where .....I'm doing a few dreamstar again this year along with my different kush plants


Well-Known Member
As long as it's healthy and it's a strain you like that's all you need to know. With all the polyhybrids theres not really outdoor only strains and indoor only strains anymore. You can grow just about any strain indoor and outdoor. Some strains handle different microbes climates more or less than others.

I like blueberry for high heat / dry climates. It's a trooper. Pre 98 bubba , Hawaiian landraces and African landraces can handle just about any climate. Afghani's do great too. But a much heavier feeder. Anything from gage green is great.


Well-Known Member
hahaha this title seems like it's just someone trying to start an argument...

Amazed that it hasn't happened and just got some good suggestions going on...

What makes a strain better for outdoor than indoor growing, other than indoor space limitations, given the same environment?