whats the best to get flowering


can anyone tell me what i can do to kick start my plants to start flowering i have tried the 12/12 if i put the light to 14/10 do you think that could help they are in soil on a 600 hsp light they are white widow x big bud.i have had to pin leafs back they are massive things it better than cutting.any hints on this plant what i need to watch out.


Well-Known Member
can anyone tell me what i can do to kick start my plants to start flowering i have tried the 12/12 if i put the light to 14/10 do you think that could help they are in soil on a 600 hsp light they are white widow x big bud.i have had to pin leafs back they are massive things it better than cutting.any hints on this plant what i need to watch out.
How old were plants when you switched to flower

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
To kickstart flowering, you put it in 12/12 as you stated. What you are suffering from is something called impatience.


i know about 12/12 i asked giving it an extra 1 or 2 hours could that help if you have been waiting for a fair bit of time?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i know about 12/12 i asked giving it an extra 1 or 2 hours could that help if you have been waiting for a fair bit of time?
No else we'd all be doing it. As i say, you are simply suffering from a lack of patience. It will grow as fast as it will grow, if there were tricks to make ti go into flowering earlier they wouldn't be tricks they'd just be the way. Like the phrase "if it was easy it wouldn't be a shortcut it would just be the way"


Well-Known Member
LOL , Patience , Patience , Patience .
You can't make plant grow faster by changing light schedual , and not by feeding more nutes either.


this is only my 4th grow i have started i think i new what the answer would be but hoping for something else.my other grows where not like this this seed.all my past stuff where small plants these are my 1st med to big plant also my first cross being BB x WW i am waiting for a lead to put photos on.when i got these they said 40cm to 60cm would somone tell me @ what stage veg,flowering ECT are they speaking about.also have anyone know the pick and mix seed bank if so whats your feelings about it.also am looking for a small to med plant that is good in soil pretty fast grower as i am running out of time where i do plants.by the time these ones finish.i am looking for something simple indoors 600 watt hsp i have 2 but only using 1 just now and for soil so would some of you fling me some names i was thinking ak47 or n/light thanks for any help u have all given.:?:


As said above. Switch to 12/12 and wait. It takes a few weeks at 12/12 before it will show signs of flowering, then it will take more weeks to finish. If it hasn't showed signs yet then the only thing you can do is. Wait. Patience is key.
Just keep the your 12/12 schedule, water/feed when needed and leave it alone during the dark cycle. Eventually it will flower.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
when i got these they said 40cm to 60cm would somone tell me @ what stage veg,flowering ECT are they speaking about.
They are speaking out of their arse is what they are doing. By your 4th grow you should really know by now that cannabis can be any ize you want and that no breeder could possibly tell you what size it will be. The very best they can do, which mainly depends on whether there is a uniform pheno or if it's a crapshoot, is tell you that it might be a bit taller than normal, or a bit shorter than normal, but the instant they put an actual number out there they are talking shit, plain and simple.

You can grow any strain any size, it is entirely upto you, while some strains might be a little better with regard to trees or tiny 12/12 from seed, any plant can be grown small and any plant can be grown large. except autoflowering naturally but they're stupid so i'm not gonna include them in my notion of "plants" :D