whats the best way to germinate seeds?

Do you know how many squirrels you may be harming?

None. If anything it would be a tasty and healthy treat for them. Cannabis seeds whether from pot of hemp plants are one of the worlds most perfect foods and I love putting Hemp Hearts® on my cereal, in smoothies or sprinkled over a salad. Great in banana bread for the muchies too. :)
Hey @OldMedUser

I just made my first seeds of life order and they

Have this thing called "cover the world in cannabis"

I think they are giving packs of hermy seeds to people to plant all around.

Still havent figured out what how when why lol.

But they are adding it to my order for 1 cent haha
Hey @OldMedUser

I just made my first seeds of life order and they

Have this thing called "cover the world in cannabis"

I think they are giving packs of hermy seeds to people to plant all around.

Still havent figured out what how when why lol.

But they are adding it to my order for 1 cent haha

I think those are hemp seeds. Dana Larson was giving away a 100 hemp seeds to anyone who asked for them again this year but I passed. Not something I want to grow for my own use and I got plenty of junk seeds to toss around.

You can grow opium poppies all over your yard so I don't see what the big fuss is about pot. :)

I just got some seed for my first grow in a while. i'm trying the wet paper towel method with no success. any suggestions would be very helpful. thanks in advance!
I use mix of Promix hp with FFOF, 4 to 1 ratio. Fill solo cup with soil mix , wet soil mix fully, put seed in soil 1/2" down, cover seed lightly with soil. Then I stick a plastic sandwich baggie over cup to create a mini greenhouse effect, it creates a warmer temp and keeps moisture in because if seed pops above surface without shedding seed or seed embryo then the moist environment makes it not dry out and die before I can remove the seed or embryo. I place the cup under a 600mh about 3ft away, seeds sprout in 3 days on average. Also take plastic baggie off daily for fresh air and completely remove baggie once plant shows green leaves.
I guy I know uses a thin/soft wash rag that he keeps moist. I have never tryed it and think it would work the same as the paper towels as far as germination. He says he does it with the rag so you don't break the tap root when pulling them off the paper towel because sometime they do kinda stick to it. I personally just use paper towels or put them right in the soil. I recently just started my first mj grow (i grow alot of different veggies and fruits) and out of I think 18 seeds 15 popped
Put in a glass of water for 24 hours then plop into some coco coir. Sometimes ill wait till i see a root poking out. Works every time.

I don't like the wet towel method because sometimes the root can stick to the paper tower and another reason is that the towel can dry out.
For sure it works but for me it's just another step to forget and screw it up. I had a small stroke about 5 years ago and the fog is still hanging around tho much better than it was.

Found out two years ago that my birth mother was diagnosed with dementia at age 65 which meant she was likely sliding into it for 5 or more years before the diagnosis. Died 10 years later at 75. 6 months before I made contact with my 5 half-siblings.

I'm 64 this October and starting to wonder if those more often old-fart moments aren't something other than residual effects of the stroke.

I'll be eating my shotgun long before I'm stuck in a wheelchair drooling in my diapers I tell you what!

No way I'm going out like that.

I think about this kinda stuff all the time and im only 44. I go really deep when i smoke, dark place i don't want to be in but find myself there all the time. Cannot imagine what it's actually like going through it.
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I think about this kinda stuff all the time and im only 44. I go really deep when i smoke, dark place i don't want to be in but find myself there all the time. Cannot imagine what it's actually like going through it.

I don't lose sleep over it but it does concern me. So do a lot of other things too so it's just one of many.

Ive been using paper towel method for 32 years(over 9k plants roughly) and have had between 92-95% germ rate.Alot of the seeds were real fresh as I produced the majority of them. Over the last couple years I put a drop of superthrive in the germination water,although not sure if it helps but it gives me peace of mind
When doing the paper towel method I place it on a plate with a plate on top on the highest darkest shelf in my kitchen (it’s generally the warmest place in the house) and keeping the paper towel moist but not dripping is key. Using a spray bottle seemed to work best for me. I germed 37 seeds this way and all but one popped. Hope it helped!