What's The Deal With Afghanistan?


Well-Known Member
I smoke my afghan. Hell if I want to see another country I'll just head to the south and stay in the U.S


Well-Known Member
I hope this thread is a joke.
Let’s face it anyone who thinks Afghanistan is a beautiful country is delusional. It is assuredly a dump. This doesn’t mean that the shitty country doesn’t contain some tid-bits of beautiful landscape or some sparse nuggets of interesting and colorful culture. However, it is still a dump. Anyone who says otherwise has not been there in a long time. It will continue to be a shithole after the U.S leaves. It stayed a shithole after the Russians (and the Americans) left back in 1989. The country will remaine a shithole because the Afghanis are going to continue to fight each other after we leave, just as they did last time. Einstein’s definition of insanity: "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". So you tell me is it insane to think that Afghanistan will stop being a war torn shithole after we leave this time?

:wall: you actually think you know what your talking about.


Well-Known Member
you disagree?
I disagree, I have been to Afghanistan and have personal experience that trumps what most people think that country is like. The biggest reason it seems like such a shit hole is because we and the Russians have been bombing and killing them for the last 30+ years.


Well-Known Member
oh so you think that it was a stable and and functioning country prior to this? and i am curiouse what is your experience with afganistan?


Well-Known Member
You better love Afganistan because we're going to be there a long long time. It's one of the two wars that's sucking us dry. George Carlin put it best when he said "It's that big red, white and blue dick that's shoved up our asses all the time".


Well-Known Member
lol great pick. However, I do not understand why you think that I was framing up a straw man argument? You said you disagree with my assessment of Afghanistan. You stated that your personal experience trumps what most other people think about Afghanistan. You stated "The biggest reason it seems like such a shit hole is because we and the Russians have been bombing and killing them for the last 30+ years.”
IT sounds like your saying that the bombings are "why the country seems like a shit hole"
Does this mean that you think the country is a shit hole but we caused it because we were bombing them for 30 + years or did you mean that the country seems like a shit hole but it really isn’t?
Also you stated "I have been to Afghanistan and have personal experience that trumps what most people think that country is like". Can you describe this experience? Can you tell us why your experience trumps what other peoples experience, research, and opinions are on the country? Is there something extraordinary about your experiences in Afghanistan that makes them more insightfull into the Afghan culture than other people experiences in Afghanistan or are you just assuming that you are the only one with experience in that Afghanistan recently?
I have been to New York. However, I don't feel like that my "experience" in New York trumps anyone else’s opinion, research, facts or experiences about New York?
I would argue that the country is war torne because when another country is not fighting them they fight eachother. I would site examples like the Afghan civil war in 1978 when the peoples democratic party of Afghanistan took controll of the country or in 1992 when the fragmented Afghan military and government started to fight for power or in 1996 when the taliban violently took controll.

The Taliban had controll of the country from 1996 untill october 2001 when the U.S. got involved. This was aproximately the same amount of time it took japan to recover from 2 atomic bombs.



New Member
You better love Afganistan because we're going to be there a long long time. It's one of the two wars that's sucking us dry. George Carlin put it best when he said "It's that big red, white and blue dick that's shoved up our asses all the time".
True, especially true., I loved George Carlin. He had insight beyond the pale. That big red white and blue Dick being shoved up our asses, what poetry. Can you feel it?