Whats the Deal With Street Budz?


Active Member
So i've been doing my thing wit budduh for about 5 years never grew. did a lil reading but never actually did any thing.

Anyway basically i wanna kno why regs is always so dam dry dirty and ugly looking but yet some times gives me a better high then some of the haze.

An idk about u but i cant find some regular ass Dro for like 230 a oz. nowa days i can find nuthin but "Hazes" and Exotic for like 400 oz.

i read on the forums soil plants can be grown lookin an smellin just as good as dro. wtf


New Member
because regs is mass harvested in like mexico and they dont pick the males out, then they compress it, let it sit for like a year and carry it around in theres asses lol thats why its all dirty looking


Active Member
i hang out in the hood in ny sometimes n i got a great regs connect. It looks like dro u cnt tell the diff, gets u just as high as average dro, n is way cheaper. The point is is that the strain of plant is not always the most important factor. If your plants r getting good nutrients n light n u kill the males then u will get good bud. I was even makin $ goin $10 a g n ppl wer like thas such a good deal cuz they thought it was dro. Coulda gone for $20 a g but hey, im not that big of n asshole ;^D


Active Member
I always wondered why someone would even grow regs. (get alot of that crap around here) so the answer is lazy.


Active Member
i hang out in the hood in ny sometimes n i got a great regs connect. It looks like dro u cnt tell the diff, gets u just as high as average dro, n is way cheaper. The point is is that the strain of plant is not always the most important factor. If your plants r getting good nutrients n light n u kill the males then u will get good bud. I was even makin $ goin $10 a g n ppl wer like thas such a good deal cuz they thought it was dro. Coulda gone for $20 a g but hey, im not that big of n asshole ;^D
thats sounds ill yo. i'm in NY whats goood wit dat connect KID!:joint:


Well-Known Member
I always wondered why someone would even grow regs. (get alot of that crap around here) so the answer is lazy.
i can think of 2 reasons. . .1, its easier to grow, like for beginners. 2, It would also seem to me that mass productions would be half the work, not neccessarily lazy. I like the way the highs taste, and the way they smoke. But I just smoke regs on a daily


Well-Known Member
First off there is no such thing as reg's,commercial growers do not start out saying,fuck it,lets just plop these seeds in the ground & hope for the best,then be too damm lazy to cull the males & let the entire crop go to seed.

Most commercial growers start out with genetics selected for the climate they are going to be grown in,harvest window also plays a role in their decision on what type to grow,the shit everybody loves to call regs could very well be the same weed the same guys like to call dro or crips.

And the whole Mexico thing is blown way the hell out of purportion,chances are most of the weed you get on the street in your town was grown within a few hundred miles of where its being sold.


Weed grown in soil can be just as good or it can be way better than weed grown in hydro or aero,its all in the growers skills.


You would never know the difference between weed grown hydroponically & weed grown in soil,the only benifit to growing hydroponicly is that it takes less time.


Hydroponic weed is more potent over soil grown.


Regs are easier to grow over dank,there are some strains that are very difficulty to grow but chances are that those strains will never hit the street for resale,those strains are the connasuer type strains.

""Why does regs give you a better high than haze sometimes ?""

Re read the initial post & see,its no other reason than its how its grown not what its called,commercial weed is dried then vaccume packed in bricks or bails,then shipped all over & will likely sit for up to 6 months while its being sold,you take a pound of the greatest looking blueberry or haze,vaccume brick it up,let it sit for a few months, then see what it looks like,it will look exactly like what you buy on the street that you guys call regs,insto presto the shit that woulda been an expensive haze is now regs,same weed,same buzz,less price.

You guys put way too much stock into all those fancy names,names that mean nothing in reality except to lure people into paying more money for supposed enhanced quality.


Well-Known Member
commercial growers do not start out saying,fuck it,lets just plop these seeds in the ground & hope for the best,then be too damm lazy to cull the males & let the entire crop go to seed.

You guys put way too much stock into all those fancy names,names that mean nothing in reality except to lure people into paying more money for supposed enhanced quality.
...I love you:mrgreen: +rep


Well-Known Member
Re read the initial post & see,its no other reason than its how its grown not what its called,commercial weed is dried then vaccume packed in bricks or bails,then shipped all over & will likely sit for up to 6 months while its being sold,you take a pound of the greatest looking blueberry or haze,vaccume brick it up,let it sit for a few months, then see what it looks like,it will look exactly like what you buy on the street that you guys call regs,insto presto the shit that woulda been an expensive haze is now regs,same weed,same buzz,less price.

You guys put way too much stock into all those fancy names,names that mean nothing in reality except to lure people into paying more money for supposed enhanced quality.
I don't know about that, I've had realy dry and old KB and still its alot differnt than regs or dirt weed. realy low quality dirt or regs, is about 80% stem, 10% very tiny preformed seeds 5% actual bud, not even mentioning the exrta seeds thrown in for weight. the stems just branch out in a million directions vs mid grade and high quality bud which if its realy old and dry will just crumble up into powder

maybe they just harvest the dirt weed prematurely or something?


Active Member
First off there is no such thing as reg's,commercial growers do not start out saying,fuck it,lets just plop these seeds in the ground & hope for the best,then be too damm lazy to cull the males & let the entire crop go to seed.

Most commercial growers start out with genetics selected for the climate they are going to be grown in,harvest window also plays a role in their decision on what type to grow,the shit everybody loves to call regs could very well be the same weed the same guys like to call dro or crips.

And the whole Mexico thing is blown way the hell out of purportion,chances are most of the weed you get on the street in your town was grown within a few hundred miles of where its being sold.


Weed grown in soil can be just as good or it can be way better than weed grown in hydro or aero,its all in the growers skills.


You would never know the difference between weed grown hydroponically & weed grown in soil,the only benifit to growing hydroponicly is that it takes less time.


Hydroponic weed is more potent over soil grown.


Regs are easier to grow over dank,there are some strains that are very difficulty to grow but chances are that those strains will never hit the street for resale,those strains are the connasuer type strains.

""Why does regs give you a better high than haze sometimes ?""

Re read the initial post & see,its no other reason than its how its grown not what its called,commercial weed is dried then vaccume packed in bricks or bails,then shipped all over & will likely sit for up to 6 months while its being sold,you take a pound of the greatest looking blueberry or haze,vaccume brick it up,let it sit for a few months, then see what it looks like,it will look exactly like what you buy on the street that you guys call regs,insto presto the shit that woulda been an expensive haze is now regs,same weed,same buzz,less price.

You guys put way too much stock into all those fancy names,names that mean nothing in reality except to lure people into paying more money for supposed enhanced quality.

yea what he said!! +1 rep


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that, I've had realy dry and old KB and still its alot differnt than regs or dirt weed.
All this is true but it has nothing to do with dro,crips,dank,regs,mids cronick or any other stupid name i can dream up,or the OP' question as to why he gets regs that give a better buzz than haze.

Lets talk about the shit weed you gave as an example,i could take the very seeds that the grower started with & turn them into some weed that would blow your fukin socks off,its not that im special either,any grower with a decent amount of experience could do the same,or even better.

On the same note a novice grower could feasibly take killer seeds like Northern Lights & come out with head ache weed that isnt worth using as fill dirt in a frog pond,also a very experienced veteran commercial grower could take those Northern Lights seeds & one year get the best fukin weed on earth,then all the kidsa would call it dro or crips,then the next year due to bad weather,insectsa,excess heat,high humidity or any number of reasons end up with what the kids call regs,or even dirt weed.

My whole point is this,when you buy weed off the street there is no way you could even know what strain it is,kids can call it dro or cronick all day but that says nothing about the quality of the weed,all it speaks of is that growers skill or his luck with weather that season.

There are no such strains as regs,mids,dro or even dirt weed,Northern Lights stands just as good of chance ending up dirt weed as it does killer smoke,the same goes for any other fancy named weed.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that, I've had realy dry and old KB and still its alot differnt than regs or dirt weed. realy low quality dirt or regs, is about 80% stem, 10% very tiny preformed seeds 5% actual bud, not even mentioning the exrta seeds thrown in for weight. the stems just branch out in a million directions vs mid grade and high quality bud which if its realy old and dry will just crumble up into powder

maybe they just harvest the dirt weed prematurely or something?
its up to the grower. Any strian is good if u know what ur doing.


Active Member
I don't know about that, I've had realy dry and old KB and still its alot differnt than regs or dirt weed. realy low quality dirt or regs, is about 80% stem, 10% very tiny preformed seeds 5% actual bud, not even mentioning the exrta seeds thrown in for weight. the stems just branch out in a million directions vs mid grade and high quality bud which if its realy old and dry will just crumble up into powder

maybe they just harvest the dirt weed prematurely or something?
thats what i'm talkin about brother!


Well-Known Member
Panhead speaks the truth. I live in cali, and am just fed up with all the names and titles of the herb out here. It's kinda comical in a sense. I mean like panhead said it's really just a marketing scheme, to lure you in to pay more money for the same shit. I agree that a good grower can turn some average dank into that fire, so it's all in the grow man.


Active Member
i have never ever ever had some seedy brown crap weed that was better than dro.
I have planted crap weed seeds and gotten some good shit though. (after sifting through all the white seeds) I need to smoke twice as much of that crap as I do with some good "mids or dank"


Well-Known Member
what I was saying is that the stem % is different in dirt and decent weed. it branches out more and is ussual thicker with dirt. and good KB is like one thin little stem with smokable bud grown all around it. regaurdless of age if you dried out both and crushed them you would have more smoke with the KB, its not going to develop as many stems by letting it sit out for however long as the dirt weed already has.

I'm not sure if the amount of stem is determined by grower skill or the strain?

off topic, but why don't all the mexicans make hash instead instead of the bails and bails of shit, it would be easier to transport and would sell for more. they do it in morraco why not mexico?


Well-Known Member
what I was saying is that the stem % is different in dirt and decent weed. it branches out more and is ussual thicker with dirt. and good KB is like one thin little stem with smokable bud grown all around it. regaurdless of age if you dried out both and crushed them you would have more smoke with the KB, its not going to develop as many stems by letting it sit out for however long as the dirt weed already has.

I'm not sure if the amount of stem is determined by grower skill or the strain?

off topic, but why don't all the mexicans make hash instead instead of the bails and bails of shit, it would be easier to transport and would sell for more. they do it in morraco why not Mexico?

I don't think u read panheads post