whats the deal with the leaves?..

I have a 400 w light in a 4x4 area, 5 DWC 5-gallon buckets, hooked up to a commercial air pump split 5 ways. I use the cornucopia X2 and then the bloom for the first 2 weeks of blooming.photo-25.jpgphoto-26.jpg The roots seem to get kind of slimey/brown, at which point i add some hydrogen peroxide. I just sent the plants into bloom about 2 weeks ago. I am waiting for to buy a ppm meter, the temp stays in the low 70's and has a oscillating fan on at all times. Could somehow help diagnose my problem?


Well-Known Member
If you don''t have a tds meter you have no idea wether you're over or under feeding your plants. Also looks like you have an hps light on, hard to judge, next time turn it off.


Well-Known Member
You need to apply the peroxide every 4 days not just one off and she'll be right, pathogens are still in there.


Well-Known Member
Root Rot not a happy plant........you should use soiless mix you are definately lacking in the field of hydroponic's make it easier on you and the poor plant's! it's much simpler less maintenance and great yield's.........your spending time and electricity for???? grow smarter and make it more fun!!learn hydro and then after sterilizing everythig try again as I believe it is the way to go! just not at first! It's hard to do something when you don't have prior experience....Get the ppm meter and a ph meter and slow down the grow until they come back to vegeing....they will be fine listen to the hydro experts on here and gain the knowledge you require knowledge is power...Use mycorrihazze to aid those root's!! I grow 4X4 and feel it is the best!! jack wishing you the best my brother!!View attachment 2214873flower right clone under!.jpgView attachment 2214876View attachment 2214877G13 31 days 12-12.jpgView attachment 2214879View attachment 2214880
I am trying to do the best with what I have. I do not really appreciate comments like "switch to dirt", "you don't know what you're doing", I know I'm not the expert..that's what I am here for; to learn. I truly appreciate all the tips and help from everyone, so thank you! How much hydrogen peroxide should i be giving them? there is usually about 4 gal in the reservoir. And what is mycorrihazze?


Idk what kind of light you're runnin' and btw I'm on my 1st grow lol, so take this for what it's worth. Based off what my plants look like, they really look like you need like a lot more light and don't over water. Again, I dunno much though. (threw that in for the pros;) Your bottom fans are saggin bad. What kind of soil are they in? Like I said, I'm a newbie m'self,. I'm growin 3 girls @ once now but based off your pics, I'd be crankin' my light source up brother. They love perfect light and love, just the right amount of water. I keep a fan on mine 24hrs a day too. Which, may not be "correct" either...
Be instinctive. Care for them like they're everything.


Well-Known Member
mycorrhizae is the symbiotic relationship of a fungi and the root system. It increases ability of carbo uptake, and because of it's high absorbtion rate increase capacity of water and nutrient uptake of the roots. Look up rhizosphere, I can't give it all to you, but it's definition will help with your understanding of what your doing. Good Luck!
thanks kinetic, seems like I basically need to go back to the hydroponics store and get some of that molasses compost tea again. Is that the reason that the leaves are drooping down and dying off? I'm using 3tsp/gal of the cornucopia X2, the bloom the first 2 weeks of flowering and then back to the X2