What's the Easiest Way to Measure soil?


Well-Known Member
here's a pic of a jilly-

in a clothes basket, with above treatment.IMG_3838.jpg

to fast of growth almost. this one was gonna be a mom. but grew so fast she got away from me.


Well-Known Member
Why won't some people believe that promix needs to be ammended with lime or some buffering agent?? I totally agree that it needs to have something added because I am living proof that it does and can't no one tell me any different


Well-Known Member
so what is the difference when measuring water in gallons and soil in gallons?
considering you arent getting 1.5 + pounds a light you cant say anything.
Everyone i know, doesnt add lime. Try adding cal mag. Those ph soil testers are complete garbage. The only way your ph is out of balance is because of you. If its really that low then raise your water ph. Read those last post of mine and maybe you will understand.
Dude a gallon is a gallon. Its the same.


Well-Known Member
Like i said nutrients will lower your ph levels in your dirt. I only give my plants nutrients once a week. I water them twice a week. When i juice i let a bit of run-off maybe 5 %. When i water i basicly flush them. It balances them out. Because your flushing all those acidic salts out of the medium. Out with the old and in with the new.
Works great for me and i use the same promix as you.
Depends on the person. Lime does work to buffer but can also cause some problems if used to generously.
Check your run off ph.