What’s the issue

My 2 week old seedlings some of the first set on true leave are turning light green yellowish and one plant the are cracking this my first grow and I learned everything I know off researching online but keep getting mixed reviews can someone help me out here’s a couple pics



Well-Known Member
Bad watering habits, water them good, but then you have to let them dry pretty much all the way out! Stems up, leafs rolling downward from the base of the stem, always means you are watering to frequently! When you water to frequently as leaves are growing out, the ends of the leaves store to much moisture so they can never straighten themselves outward!

Burt Hooter

Well-Known Member
You might overwatering? Its easy to smother them,, water by them by the weight of the cup. make them want it.
Also i use a old trashed mcdonalds cup it holds like twice that a red cups does with same foot print. More soil, more room for error.
And you can grow pretty big in those. As far as nutes on the baby's, I use old school Buddha Grow, you cant mess it up , they love it.