What's the LEAST you've harvested from a plant?

Grew an 8 foot male from bag seed in Jones Creek "when I was wee lad"(Scottish accent). Jk
I was unaware at the time of male vs. female. Year was circa 1982, certainly no YouTube or Internet for tips and lots of good green hill billy mj grown in the outskirts of the city.
I'll bet growing was a little more of an acquired skill set in those days


Well-Known Member
2 grams from and out door from seed auto. About 2 weeks from sprout we had a heat wave with over 100° days for 10 days straight! Poor guy got route burned and never drew past 6 inches tall after 75 days it started to die ( naturally at the end of its lifecycle) when I harvested I got a whopping 2 g


Well-Known Member
Grew an 8 foot male from bag seed in Jones Creek "when I was wee lad"(Scottish accent). Jk
I was unaware at the time of male vs. female. Year was circa 1982, certainly no YouTube or Internet for tips and lots of good green hill billy mj grown in the outskirts of the city.
I'll bet growing was a little more of an acquired skill set in those days
when was 14yrs old i grew some 10+ footers but like you didn't know about the whole male-female thing when I went to harvest the budd were about the size of a football but rock solid full of seeds! I remember chopping them at the stock and just leaving them I cry now when I think about all the hash I could of had


Well-Known Member
when was 14yrs old i grew some 10+ footers but like you didn't know about the whole male-female thing when I went to harvest the budd were about the size of a football but rock solid full of seeds! I remember chopping them at the stock and just leaving them I cry now when I think about all the hash I could of had
lol i just did this too....although i had to stop them at 4 weeks because i had other plants i needed to put in my room... i was going wit indoor growing ... heres a before pic of miss seedy ... 20150907_161417.jpg


Well-Known Member
maybe 2 joints worth...long story but it ended up growing with sunlight in the middle of a Canadian winter....didn't do so well

when was 14yrs old i grew some 10+ footers but like you didn't know about the whole male-female thing when I went to harvest the budd were about the size of a football but rock solid full of seeds! I remember chopping them at the stock and just leaving them I cry now when I think about all the hash I could of had
Haha! Sad isn't it :)

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
When i was a noob i got some seeds from my friend and started a grow in my back yard but my neighbor was all religious and shit so one night she tried to jump the fence and started to cut it down. My parents are very paranoid and they where also clandestine growers so we always had German Shepherd dogs so my dad let two dogs out and left the third in the house. Dogs ripped her fat ass apart! She tried to jump the fence but her pants got caught on the fence so when we whent out to see the was hanging by her pant legs all tore the fuck up!
My Dad yelled at me and then made me take the rest down!
Live and learn.. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
My first plant was a runt of a Pineapple Chunk, 14 grams dried and cured, but was only grown under a 40 watt LED panel and this was like 8yrs ago...still resonates with me and the select few who tried it as a top notch smoke, sweet pineapple with pure indica punch. Oddly enough every other pineapple chunk I've seen was lacking so maybe I was lucky with the runt. Man that was back when my go to bank was cannabis bud beans lol, no more euro FEMS for this guy.