What's the longest you've gone without burning one?


Well-Known Member
your the one that went aganist fab..................
How did I go against fab? Please, tell me. I tried to help him, actually. I didn't agree with what he said, but I wanted his take on it, much like you he never got back to me. I actually defended his stupid ass in the staff section.


Well-Known Member
you're close it's more like somebody i already know i want to smash so i can get them fucked up too and then hit it . I'm pretty much the one making a move though (;
you sound like my x wife.......and she was hot


Active Member
Damn, I've always been told 3 days for the detox. I got one, and figured 9 days would be a good safety net. By the time I finally took the fucking thing I didn't need it. Isn't that a bitch?

I do need a backup. Seriously. Finding solid people in this town has never been an easy thing. Should have kept my stupid ass in houston. †LOL† oh well, fuck it, live and learn I guess

As far as the spice, I new a blunt dealer that got into some trouble with his clients for sprinkling it on. Probably work with kids though. :p
Had they known about it, it probably wouldn't have pissed them off so much. Was trying to make people think his shit was better then it was.
Damn I wasted some detox once to I messed up while I was in drug consuling cause it was 420 but I took some detox and then I found out I was done with drug consuling so I didn't need to take it and I missed out on a sesh with this guy cause I was like no I have to keep clean after this detox :( it was so sad an his shits always good


Well-Known Member
Damn I wasted some detox once to I messed up while I was in drug consuling cause it was 420 but I took some detox and then I found out I was done with drug consuling so I didn't need to take it and I missed out on a sesh with this guy cause I was like no I have to keep clean after this detox :( it was so sad an his shits always good
†LOL† ouch, shit that sucks. I hate missing out on toking sessions. No matter how much you make up for lost time, you never get them back. :p


New Member
about 3 or 4 months, took one of those synthetic marijuanas, couldn't get high since. But smoking resin recently I've been able to get somewhat high so I just placed an order for some pot yesterday.


Sector 5 Moderator
Ok, I totally blew my attempt at 2 nights in a row; I just finished off a heavily packed bowl, 9 big hits of super lemon haze. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Sara Saw It

Active Member
I can't remember the last day I went without.

Although I have times when supply is running low - but somehow I ration whatever is left so that I am never truly out.


Well-Known Member
I had to go almost 4 months when I was in outpatient 12 years ago. Since then it's never been more than a week. I'm about to start 1 month break on Monday. Not very excited. So hows bout you?
8 months in a brainwashing("troubled teens") place. 6 months in juvy. Other than institutions, and the occasional dry day, I'm high every daay.


Well-Known Member
Tried "legal buds" in an effort to find a legal alternative when i was younger...that was fucking horrible, whoever came up with it should be dragged out into the street and shot in their lying face. :p
Thank you! I have never understood how they have become so popular. I tried that crap too. Horrible, frustrating, rotton, no-good, very bad experience. I'll just stick with weed.


For about 5 years I would generally only smoke once a year. I experimented with quite a few different substances, as well as indulging heavily in a couple, when I was in my late teens and I, at one point or another, decided to just walk away. I sadly picked the booze back up for a good portion of that non-smoking time, hell I was 21 then and hung around with a bunch of college kids. The booze was then slowly replaced by weeds within the last 3 years and it's been a real awakening.


Well-Known Member
2 years without, 20 years ago...courtesy of the Department of Corruption....err...corrections...lol


Well-Known Member
Quit once for 20 years...then started back when my baby turned 18 and have never been totally without since. I ration what I have to make it last until I know I'll have more so I'm never without, and don't plan to ever be without again ...