What's the most cost-effective way to seal/wall-off a 20x30?


Well-Known Member
Don't be afraid to use T5 fixtures for your vegging. They are cheap to run, put off little heat, and work as good for veg as any other option out there (provided you get good bulbs and a decent fixture). Florescent lights that are available now are not the same as the ones of old and can save you a shit ton of money in the long run. There are a ton of hidden cost that will pop up along the way that will add to your budget considerably. You could easily spend $100 just on duct clamps or light hangers alone at the drop of a hat. I try to emphasize walking before running. LEDs are great, but I still feel HPS bulbs produce a better light for budding than a LED. There are a ton of people that would argue that, but this is just what I have seen from my personal experience. I use LEDs for all my vegging currently, but will be expanding my veg space and when I do, I am going back to Floros and outfitting it all with T5s.

You are wise to go for the tents to start with and will thank yourself in the end.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind your looking at around a 15000 dollar price tag to go from an empty warehouse to fully running at the size your talking about. A/C, fans, electrical, tents or walls, filters, lights, ballasts, pots, dirt, trellis frames, tables, water rez, all sortsa fun and money.

max huff

Keep in mind your looking at around a 15000 dollar price tag to go from an empty warehouse to fully running at the size your talking about. A/C, fans, electrical, tents or walls, filters, lights, ballasts, pots, dirt, trellis frames, tables, water rez, all sortsa fun and money.
Definitely, this is an expensive hypothetical hobby that's for sure! About what I expected that 15k, but my plan is to go in phases. I can't believe $6k couldn't get me two 10x10s going.
Who knows, I might get the second 10x10 up and running and figure out it's way too much work long before I get close to $15k. Right now with the shopping list I think I've exceeded $6k for a 10x10 setup and small veg area, and that's not including paying the electrician. The plan is to put $3k more in within a few months depending how things go. oh wait that ill probably go towards the electric bill. LOL this is fun! Anyone wanna see the shopping list, or should I post in the grow room forum?


Well-Known Member
Thats another reason to go with a wall separating the two rooms. You can hang lights as you can afford them. Personally id go with electrical and hvac first and then worry about the other crap as you can afford it. Those two things are the first priority always. What the heck is your avitar? A chocolate milkshake? Its making me want one :)


Well-Known Member
If the room is insulated and ventilation is good, then you wouldn't need to insulate the new walls. Sandwich plastic between 1x4's, attach to ceiling, floor, and walls. Frame out double door in similar manner, double layer the plastic and maybe even add those zippers on the inner "door". $500 maybe. Only if sound and temp aren't issues.