What's the most effective way to handle a signifigant Nitrogen deficiency?


Well-Known Member
What's the best way to handle a plant that you know has a nitrogen deficiency? Should I just start her on a regular feeding schedule? Any special tricks?


Well-Known Member
An alternating feeding schedule that slowly rises the nitrogen level along with light foliar feeding should fix it up quick.


Well-Known Member
30-10-10 Azalea Plant Food should work. Just make sure to dilute it to 1/4 teaspoon per gallon.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I don't see why you couldn't soak worm-castings in water then pour over soil----Don't quote me but I believe worm-castings are high in nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
You can put any vegetable trimmings (anything green) on the soil and let it just rot there for a few days. Fresh green cuttings (celery leaves, spinach, beans, etc.) are all rich in N.