What's the most valuable lesson in life you've learned thus far?

In 100 years (or less), you won't exist and absolutely no one will remember you. No one at all, like you never existed. This applies to 99+% of us. Initially, this fact may seem grim. But when you come to terms with it, it is quite liberating. It frees you from the pressure of accomplishment, and the shame of not reaching your potential. At the same time it checks your ego regarding the few great things you do accomplish (if any). When things get really difficult and I feel that I can't take anymore, I ponder this fact and it relaxes me. Do what you love for as long as you're able. What else matters?
Not the most valuable but still a good lesson for most. Now I don't always follow this lesson myself. Sometimes I do things "Hot" which leads to the occasional "Shocking" results as it did earlier this morning. Lesson: When replacing electrical receptacles turn the power off at the breaker.