What’s the next skunk gonna be?

It's all good,a lot worse in the world to get offended by(I'm thicker skinned than that),it was my bad on the explanation anyway,it did sound like I was referring to coffee tasting weed rather than how weeds flavors have exploded like that of coffee,thanks
It just kinda sounded like you were using coffee-weed as an example of a new type of polyhybrid, like all the "candy gas" weed we're basically stuck with nowadays, lol. My assertion was only that coffee-weed has been around for a bit. All good :)
The author of this post wanted to know what strain will have the popularity of true skunk.
To me it makes sense because he can get a head start on seed reproduction.
When looking at it from the author’s perspective, this seed already exists.
However I think it’s unrealistic because any significant change in cannabis will make those hoarded seeds obsolete.
Let’s say a suitable rks is released in the near future. The only option for those hoarded seeds will be if they are capable of producing something exceptional with the new rks. If not, it would be a waste of freezer space.
In my opinion, it would be better to think ahead and create or hoard beans that will make exceptional crosses with the new “standout skunk”.
Personally I don’t like dirt or cigarette tasting strains, however I know many people do. Thinking ahead, I know the people who hold on to these type of crosses are more inclined to make their on seeds rather than purchase “over priced” beans. Therefore I don’t find a need to cater to this crowd.
These kids who are new to smoking and or growing prefer a more tasteful and powerful bud. Look above and you will see plenty of comments about heavy skunk being to potent for these old schooler. Once again, I don’t see a need to direct any new breeding efforts to the people of this since they don’t buy and nor do they smoke this type of bud.
The kids want tasty bud that gets them ripped. They want to talk about how good the bud tastes and how f-k’d up they got. They don’t care if the bud is skunk or not. When was the last time anyone here had a good skunk? Therefore do you think any of these young buyers are out there looking for something that they know nothing about or have never smoked. Only “old heads” think like that. I call that looking backwards instead of looking forward.
More than likely the knew skunk will be some type of purple desert fem auto flowering to accommodate the new generation of growers.
The demand for automatics have increases exponentially over the last few years and growing more and more as the years go by. These will type of strains will be the new $kunk of the future as they have already knocked a huge dent in the commercial markets. The evolution of cannabis is constantly changing, however the trend of the best selling first remains the same.
As we all know, pride doesn’t have anything to do with business, it’s about what’s selling out on the shelves. Or should I say, that which our friends and family prefer. Empty jars don’t lie. Adding roadkill to mix would be the dagger through the heart.
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I'm in oh10 and the closest I know of is Meigs County skunk and honest scout, have not heard anything in last 30 years. It was a very de- stinktive smell.

My buddy got the Meigs County Skunk in 1977, and brought it back to Eastern Kentucky.

He got it from William Keith "NOOLDES" Hayes. My buddy was in a band in the early 70s, and opened for James Gang at Ohio U/Athens, and met Noodles there. Noodles invited my buddy to his farm. This was around 1971-72, and Noodles gave him the first Indica we had ever seen. My buddy called it Beach Ball because it grew into a round 5-6ft tall hedge. Noodles was also the originator of Meigs County Gold. And Willie Nelson was a frequent visitor at Noodles farm, and bought a lot of weed from him in the 70s.

My buddy grew the Skunk from Noodles from 1977-1984, until the cops busted him, on a tip from an alleged friend.

Noodles passed away in 2020 at St Marys Medical Center in Huntington Wva, at the age of 75. Almost 76. He was born in 1944. He had collected seeds since the late 60s.
Back in the 70s Meigs County was known as the Humboldt County of the east.
Noodles was well known all through Appalachia for his weed. He got busted in the 90s, and did 7 years in federal prison. I also find it curious that the demise of skunk was around the time Noodles went to prison.
Noodles told my buddy the skunk he has was a cross of Kerela, and an unnamed Indica.
The Indica Noodles gave my buddy dried out to a deep Red color, and would choke the fuck out of you. It was cough every hit, and would also make you dizzy. Its still to this day the best Indica Ive ever Seen/Smoked. It had thumb sized, really dense buds. It was a huge producer for an Indica. My buddy also lost this in 84 to the same cops.
Have you actually tried the original release when it was from greenhouse seeds years back? Cos it was the first strain i grew and my overall favourite to this day and black widow is nothing like it dont get me wrong they (mns) have some good shit i aint no hater but black widow isnt like proper old school white widow ime and i aint the only person who thinks so plenty of folk on the boards had the same experience and drew the same conclusions

Joey Weed at Hemp Depot has the Original Genetics of White Widow, from Greenhouse Seeds, from the 90s. Katsu got some of these, and Joey AK47, and C99 that he is going to pheno hunt, and offer this seed line later in the year.

I also agree the Mr Nice Black Widow, is not the same.

I ordered the AK47 March 29, and got my order April 17th. Im in USA Hemp Depot is in Canada. Im also going to order 4 packs each of the Joey WW, and C99. Im all for the old school genetics, and they are really all I care about.
I normally try to avoid ordering where it has to go through Customs, but if its the only way to get original genetics, Im all for it. Plus at $50 a pack, you cant beat that for getting the real deal 90s genetics. Joey is the only place I know to get the original Pre2000 Ak47, and White Widow. And if theyre good enough for Katsu to mess with. I know theyre good.
AK47 was pure fire back in the day.
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Joey Weed at Hemp Depot has the Original Genetics of White Widow, from Greenhouse Seeds, from the 90s. Katsu got some of these, and Joey AK47, and C99 that he is going to pheno hunt, and offer this seed line later in the year.

I also agree the Mr Nice Black Widow, is not the same.

I ordered the AK47 March 29, and got my order April 17th. Im in USA Hemp Depot is in Canada. Im also going to order 4 packs each of the Joey WW, and C99. Im all for the old school genetics, and they are really all I care about.
I normally try to avoid ordering where it has to go through Customs, but if its the only way to get original genetics, Im all for it. Plus at $50 a pack, you cant beat that for getting the real deal 90s genetics. Joey is the only place I know to get the original Pre2000 Ak47, and White Widow. And if theyre good enough for Katsu to mess with. I know theyre good.
AK47 was pure fire back in the day.
Yeah agreed and i have heard joey weeds stuffs the real deal i just never bought from them before myself tbh widow il take over anything if its the proper one i heard his nl is meant to be decent too heard quite a few folk reccomend his