What's the point of autoflowering and "lowrider" plants?

Sunshine Closet

Well-Known Member
Topic says it all. What's the deal? Seems to me like you're at the mercy of the plant when growing autoflower. Setting up a timer to switch off an on isn't rocket science after all.

I don't quite understand "lowrider" type strains either. Why wait three months for a few grams of dope? The money you spend on seeds, soil, electricity, could be put towards a bag of smoke and you'd come out about even. Of course you wouldn't have the satisfaction of growing your own, but still seems like a huge waste of time to me.


Well-Known Member
If someone grows several, it wont be even, it's always more economical to grow your own. I have never grown autoflower myself, I can't get past the ruderalis.


Active Member
i started growing autos because i am growing the autos at 18/6 and veging some nonautos at the same time. so after 2 months the autos will be done and i can switch to 12/ 12 for the nonautos, so i will have some trees to smoke while my next ones have already veged for a while and are flowering,,,


Active Member
its all about your druthers.

whith autos you can keep the light cycle constant and do veg and flower in the same room, with a decent cycle you could harvest as often as your willing to plant. i mean givin sufficient space a person could plant and harvest 1-infinity plants per day.

and with low riders the whole point is for people without alot of grow room if you only have 2.5 vertical feet to grow in its inefficient to get a strain that will try and grow to 9 feet. although i myself just use modified bonsai techniques combined with controlled root binding and selective pruning to get the same effect.

also. they have names. names give them status. status makes them seem important. as such, we feel important.
standard displacement. i mean look around the forums, everyone with a "bagseed" grow is told to go get some status seeds.
so thats really the point, so all us (primarily i mean me) can show off their fancy new toys, and tell people theyre smokin shit theyve never heard of.
so, mostly just so we can feel cool. :-)

also theres a shit ton of money in seeds. w a profit margin ALOT higher than weed. i mean a one ounce green bud can sell from 75-475$ here (crazy market)
that same bud seeded can produce several hundred seeds that depending on strain (the status name that is) can sell from 10-80+$ per seed.
and every name or specialty weed they sell is a few more seeds. shit i mean maybe 400$ for an ounce, or 1000-8000$ for a hundred seeds.
i wanna get in the mf seed bizz


Well-Known Member
They're good for people in Northern (or Southern) areas above 52 degrees lattitude where the days get short to fast for normal strains to ever mature or even bloom for that matter, before frost or mold destroys them.
Autobloomers are like Ruderalis. Ruderalis is the less popular of marijuana plants like Sativa and Indica. It's called an Autobloomer because it flowers depending on age and not a light to dark ratio. They're shorter and the THC is much lower than that of Indica or Sativa. However one plus it has is that it can bare harsher weather than the other two. Some people will cross Indica with Ruderalis so it can have an extra defense against weather conditions and give it a shorter bush like quality. I'm not sure about the low-rider thing is though.