whats the problem?


Active Member
this plant is now 20 days into flower and as u can see half is ok and half the leaves are fucked dont think this is a bug problem as its been like this since cutting and not effected any other plants. any advice would be appreciated


Hippy Girl

I'm a hydro user because with soil one cant see what the roots are doing.

What I've had to do is gently pull the plant out of the pot and check out the roots.
She may be root bound, a slight root rot.... insects..... Take a gentle peek.

I would do this before you start getting suggestions to add this or that.


Active Member
i've checked the roots there all white and defo not root bound. not a clue wot the prob is as it has been like this since cutting and i've not had any other probs with it just the half deformed leaves

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Deformed wavy leaves are a sign of: overwatering, hot temps, slight N toxicity, too high/low pH or a root problem.

Doesn't seem overwatered, temps are ok, veins are nice and light green, roots are fine. This just leaves your soil's pH as the main culprit.

Hippy Girl

thanks for all the advice think im gonna keep it how it is and see what happens
Most definitely do what you feel is right.

We're all here for suggestions and don't ever feel you have to do what others say.

I can't tell you how I will take a little bit of this to that and apply it.
It's like buying a CD, you may only like a few of the songs but still love the band. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yer id agree with the doctor, PH, if you havent got a test and you havent got heaps of cash for a pen, just go to a garden centre and buy a powder and indicator kit... about $15 AUD...