Whats the purpose?


Well-Known Member
What is the purpose of putting sugar in the water and watering your plants with it, I have heard of some doing this every few watering sessions, what is the purpose of this?


Well-Known Member
iyou need carbs to produce thc? i am using gh 3 part and thats all. should i put sugar in there? how much/gallon


Well-Known Member
not refined sugar....some form of unrefined sugar like molasses......this seems to be the choice of most that perscribe to this ...... the benefit extend to micronutiruents as well.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks Tahoe, so your saying mix like a teaspoon or something of molasses into a gallon of water and just water it every so often like that?


Well-Known Member
Most nute manufacturers make a "carb/sugar boost" supplement so you don't have to risk mucking up your hydro/aero system with sticky molasses. For General Hydroponics it is KoolBloom.