What's the Sex of this Plant?


Active Member
Hey there, I am getting pretty good at weeding out males, but this particular plant has me confused. It just looks strange. Rather than a distinct male "sack" or female "whisps", it seems to grow leaves. Sometimes it grows strange... growth things (I really don't know what to call them - pictures do better justice). Attached pictues will hopefully help you all identify this weirdo for me. Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like it's showing sex yet... I could be wrong, but it does look somewhat male-ish, but that's definitely not certain. How old is the plant? Are you growing outdoors?


Active Member
Agreed, I can't quite judge sex yet, and while it does somewhat look male-ish (though can't be certain yet whatsoever), it doesn't look like the other males I've already discareded. The other males just looked like normal males, such as the one in the picture Meast007 posted. If I recall correctly, the plant is about a month and a half old. It is outdoors.
Thanks for the replies so far.
Crap Hammer, you know if it has been outside chances are you are either looking at some slow developing coconuts or you got some kind of Hermi which, either way, SUX.


Well-Known Member
I had one looked like that (male-ish) turned out to be a herm. Just keep an eye on it. I actually found the male sacs growing straight out the main stem opposite the first node (if that makes any sense to you...)


Active Member
The plant is starting to grow some male-like sacks, so I am quarantining somewhere away from the other plants. I'll post an update to this thread once I have a more clear answer as to what it is (since hopefully the info will be useful to someone else). Thanks for the replies everyone :)