What's the smallest area you've grown in?


Well-Known Member
Converted set of drawers. Base is 28" x 12" but I can get 15" deep at canopy level. Only 32" high in total.
Been growing in here in a garage for the last 4 years. Both adult kids still have no idea.
Used to use household leds but swapped to samsung strips to give more height, better spread and less power usage.
Mainly grow 2 autos per run and LST the hell out of them. Average between 4 - 7.5 oz dry in total. Current grow is 12 days from breaking surface.

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I am thinking about adding a similiar sized box to my next grow. Itd be a plexiglass box sealed up and like 4'Lx2'Wx2-3'H and use the the excess side light from my main cmh lights over the main grow. Just a thought and all these ways others have grown is giving me inspiration.

It's not oregano

Well-Known Member
I am thinking about adding a similiar sized box to my next grow. Itd be a plexiglass box sealed up and like 4'Lx2'Wx2-3'H and use the the excess side light from my main cmh lights over the main grow. Just a thought and all these ways others have grown is giving me inspiration.
That’s the beauty of a thread like this, if it inspires other people even months down the line it is worth it.


Well-Known Member
That’s the beauty of a thread like this, if it inspires other people even months down the line it is worth it.
I've never grown with nutes outside of top dressing on soil so that is going to be my real learning curve. Never grown in a tiny height requirement either but I think that is under control if I flower early and lst

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
use half what they say to start out, and get run off at least every third time you water, to get rid of depleted salts in the soil. easy peasy


Well-Known Member
Walk-in closet. Outdoors for decades sometime I forget how small a flowers plant can get. We were just trying to keep them below the bamboo. So i built a room with 10 foot ceilings, 8 isn't enough. Fuck mersh bushweed, nothing good ever came from indica.