Whats the story with Ionizers??

Natures Cure

Active Member
Hello folks,

Just wanted to ask if anyone has any knowledge on Ionizers in your grow room . . .

And here is why . . .

I have a single Ionizer needle in my fan that can be operated independently. I accidently turned it on and by the end of the of the day my plants were drooping like a mofo.

After turning it off the next morning they were perky again.

Anyone know why the ionizer is no good?

I added a before pic (the droopy looking one) and an after pic a number of hours later.

:peace: & :weed:



Well-Known Member
I know they dont work well for odors. I bought one from Target, had a Febreze carbon filter. I was only in veg, still wasnt workin. Took it back, filter reeeeked! Had to spray it with perfume..