What's the Stupidest Thing You've Done While Stoned?


Well-Known Member
I was ordering takeout and in the middle of me ordering I forgot what I was suppose to order and just hung up on the guy.:weed:
it was the first time i smoked out of a bong. my friend had this basic 50$ water bong, and some decent mids. idk why i was so high maybe i was new to it all.
anyway we got super fried right after school and went up to the elementary to attempt to play basketball while the kids were still in school. all 6 of us were too fried to even stand up. it was ridiculous, half of us were running and the other half were rolling. i didnt make one basket.
then i had to go home fried when my dad was home. i tried getting on the computer and ask him how to work it cus i forgot how.
he never did notice tho, at least i dont think.


Well-Known Member
besides fucking some less than attractive women id probably have to say the time i got my possesion ticket. i was so blazed and i took the handoff in front of my house and the cops came lol...FUCK THA POLICE!

Kozmo Tha Killa


Active Member
On a cruise ship I got up to get 2nds at the buffet and got lost trying to find where we were sitting. Seriously, it took me about 10 minutes to find my chair again.

This is after being lost for HOURS in Amsterdam. I had never smoked pot before and it was my first time there. I also did mushrooms for the 1st time there as well. I was so far gone it was crazy. I would walk to an intersection and stand with my back against the wall, cause I was paranoid I would get mugged/wallet stolen. Then when I finally ran into someone from my tour group, they helped me get back to the hostel. Then I had munchies like a biatch, so they took me to a grocery store. I was so far gone that they put me against an isle end cap and had me stay there while they got me food. It was really weird standing there and watching all those people pass me. Finally we get to the register and I had no clue how much money the bill was, so I just kept handing her cash, lol it was funny. Then they had to take me back to the hostel, as I was afraid of getting run over by the tram things.

Ah the joys of first smoking. I wish it was like that still. Maybe at the '09 Cannabis Cup I can find some serious weed to get me super blazed.