bud bootlegger
I figured it out too but didn't wanna name names here..
You're not the guy from parenthood at the pool are you?

I figured it out too but didn't wanna name names here..
I hate you sunny boy, lol..
does it really ever get cold in the uk?? yeah, i'm sure it might get chilly, but when's the last time you got 2 feet of snow in the uk??
just curious..
does it really ever get cold in the uk?? yeah, i'm sure it might get chilly, but when's the last time you got 2 feet of snow in the uk??
just curious..
It has been known to get to minus 15 but not very often, I think the last time was 2010. As for getting 2ft of snow sadly not very often, when I was a kid winters were quite bad the snow was deep and the temps low but not now winter and summer are pretty much the same RAIN! Here at the moment its very windy but not really what you would call cold, I was hoping for snow but we are surrounded by hills and they get the snow but we don't, usually if they get snow or bad weather in America we get it after but not as bad, its a very boring country is the UK.![]()
Its been low 30s for a week now and will be for another week so theyre saying. All due to a draft frm canada.. thanks sunni... I gotta give yall props in those really cold spots. I dunno how yall do it. I feel like im gna die and currently its 41*
minus 15, but you people use that crazy celsius stuff, so let me do a quick conversion to f.. 15 double that, add 30, shit, that's about 125 f, not too bad..![]()
41 is not too bad imo.. anything single digits and below though, forget about it.. hate when it's so cold and your leg touches your pants and you can just feel how cold it is, which usually happens around here under 10f or so..
i can't even imagine living where dude earlier said it's -40 or -50, no way in hell i'd live there.
right around the zero mark for us Fahreners. Aka "sodding cold"
Anything below 69* is freezing to me. My nose starts running at 68. I fn hate hate winter
hey cannabineer, do you know that rough guide to convert from c to f? i think it's double the c number, and add 30, does this sound correct? i always get confused though when the c number is - as i'm not sure if the same applies for negatives..
There's an algorithm. However I memorized the following quick markers, which are exact:
(degrees F = degrees C)
122 = 50
104 = 40
86 = 30
68 = 20
50 = 10
32 = 0
14 = -10
-4 = -20
-22 = -30
-40 = -40 where the scales converge.
so it is basically double and add 20, not 30 to get a rough questimation.. bookmarked this page so i can come back and try and memorize yours later on when i'm not as stoned..![]()