What's the weather where you are???

little butch

Active Member
For example: Saturday night in NE Nebraska.....minus 8 degrees Far. with a wind chill of 28 below zero with snow coming down hard. Supposed to have 5 inches over night? Peace & be kind.
Hit 54 for about 40 min today max....was 39 til about noon....supposed to get down to 14 in the wee hours tonite. Had an outdoor hose bib blow yesterday.
Very consistent and has taken a very welcomed turn for the better recently. Surprising for this time of year. Im not complaining!

Here in northern Cali we have snow on the ground today! First time in 10 years the snow has stuck on the beach. Its 31 deg and crystal clear in the sky! The sun has just set over the pacific ocean , a beautiful sun set it was.
honestly expected it to rain today woke up at 5am looking foroward to it today,.. they were predicting a 76% chance here.. .. disappointed.. all I know now is it's dark and cold out.. dont trust them weather bastages anymore!