Years ago, three of us were in a pick-up truck on our way to a commercial hot springs.
The driver, known for his inhaling ability (and falling down) took a hit off the pipe and immediately let a tire grab some gravel, which steered us over a little bump and down a hill, rolling once and landing right-side up in a little creek. It was maybe 10 PM and winter in Montana.
A buddy and I brushed ourselves off and made our way up the incline to the barely traveled road.
It's important to know that blacks/negros are rare here, even now, but then, VERY rare.
Anyway, almost immediately upon our reaching the road, a brand spankin' new Lincoln Continental came crawling up thru the gravel and stopped. The window opened and there were two very fit black dudes, maybe 40, dressed in the finest suits I've ever seen . . . we told them our issue and they drove us up to the springs parking area, let us out, and drove off into the night.
We're talking an area of maybe 3500 folks (most in a near-by town) in 40 miles. It wouldn't be unusual to go several years w/o seeing a person of color, yet these "G-Men?" appeared in the dead of winter 100 miles from any larger areas.
That was weird.