Whats the weirdest experiance you've had?


Well-Known Member
u would actually want to see it? i think if i encountered it i would cry...and then i think i would probably kick it. :evil: haha
yes, I would LOVE to see that. I really like things like that. about three or four years ago, me and my friend saw a ufo. I got all giddy and excited. and about a year after that, I happened to discover a ghost in my room. don't get me wrong, the ghost thing scared the shit out of me, but now I kinda brag about it lol.


Well-Known Member
dude...that is awesome...i love cryptozoology...i would love to see the loch ness monster...wow...im so jealous! :mrgreen:
It was very cool. I am so glad that my parents were on their boat, I ran to the boat and got them up and told them 'you have to see this' My dad grabbed his gun and we went back to the end of the pier and they were still there....We all just watched in awe. I am just so glad it wasn't just me that saw them!!! My Dad would of had me committed if he didn't see it too!!!


Well-Known Member
It was very cool. I am so glad that my parents were on their boat, I ran to the boat and got them up and told them 'you have to see this' My dad grabbed his gun and we went back to the end of the pier and they were still there....We all just watched in awe. I am just so glad it wasn't just me that saw them!!! My Dad would of had me committed if he didn't see it too!!!
no pics?

or a drawing? :D


Well-Known Member
no pics?

or a drawing? :D
No pics. This was 25 years ago....It was real though, I know what I saw...
If I could draw I would draw you a pic, but I can't draw:(
They basically looked like dinosaurs except I never saw their bodies, just their necks and heads....it was scary.


Well-Known Member
i'm jealous...... but the earlier reply about ghosts started me thinking... when i was growing up my parents lived right next to a pet cemetery. To make it better it was an abandoned pet cemetery that hadn't been used in 15-20 years. It was complete with grave stones with the animals name etched on it with the dates and everything...

on some strange nights we could hear really nasty noises in the woods. possibly animals fighting but we could never be sure. sometimes it would just sound like high pitched screaming/growling. it was nasty and scared the crap out of us...........................................................


Well-Known Member
Years ago, three of us were in a pick-up truck on our way to a commercial hot springs.

The driver, known for his inhaling ability (and falling down) took a hit off the pipe and immediately let a tire grab some gravel, which steered us over a little bump and down a hill, rolling once and landing right-side up in a little creek. It was maybe 10 PM and winter in Montana.
A buddy and I brushed ourselves off and made our way up the incline to the barely traveled road.
It's important to know that blacks/negros are rare here, even now, but then, VERY rare.
Anyway, almost immediately upon our reaching the road, a brand spankin' new Lincoln Continental came crawling up thru the gravel and stopped. The window opened and there were two very fit black dudes, maybe 40, dressed in the finest suits I've ever seen . . . we told them our issue and they drove us up to the springs parking area, let us out, and drove off into the night.
We're talking an area of maybe 3500 folks (most in a near-by town) in 40 miles. It wouldn't be unusual to go several years w/o seeing a person of color, yet these "G-Men?" appeared in the dead of winter 100 miles from any larger areas.
That was weird.


Active Member
the other day after a FAT session me and my friend took a cruise i dont know where the hell we were going thats not important anyways as we were approaching an intersection i swear to this day i saw someone on one of those old school bikes with the huge front wheel so much so that i burst out laughing and tried to get my friend to look but as we got closer the wheel got smaller and it was just someone on a regular bike...i was so tripped out because i swore i saw the other, so after explaining this to my friend we carry on our way and on the way home we see two people go by on unicycles, i watched them as they came and went and turned to my friend and said please tell me you saw THAT.. thankfully that was real, i thought i had lost my mind


Well-Known Member
lol, crazy shit.

Uhm, Today, an hour ago, I took a huge rip, and held it in. And i had to cough cause im sick and i held that in. So my head became really light headed when i was looking up into the light. And all of a sudden it felt like someone took a club to the back of my knees and fell down and coughed. And it was like in slow motion and i dont even know. Felt like i was flyin in space with Michael Jordan.