Well-Known Member
it seems that the word truth is really being skewed here... there was nothing more than speculation and generalizations, even in the statistics. i will certainly belittle the praise that an op-ed gets when it is written without one single fact devoid of half a sentence of qualifiers to back it up and give it a misleading credence. yeah, the whiny liberals are back, wanting america to lose and the evildoers to win because they are such big pussies... blah blah blah. you guys live in some sort of historical void, thinking that US intervention in the middle east for the last 50 years has had no effect in recruiting extremists, like we have no responsibility in what has happened; you live in a bubble that excludes all investigation into the past and grants secret insight into the future. no wonder i think it is stupid... don't acknowledge blowback and foreign policy, attack the religion that had no intentions (and still has no intention on the whole) of destroying the US until we had played puppetmaster in their region for half a century. i would be pissed too...
this is not an excuse for terrorism, but it makes the people who commit acts of it understandable. but i understand, that would break the membrane you people seem unable to penetrate. besides, the denial of history comes with all those cool powers!!!!
What in the World makes you think you know the first thing about Muslim hatred of the West?
See, people like you are the cause of most of our problems today. You know absolutely nothing about an issue. You pull some theory out of your ass just because it sounds to you like it makes sense. You have unreasonable confidence in your own opinions and you adhere to them stubbornly and foolishly.
Look, this is all real simple. Many EXPERTS on the subject have said things similar to what is said in the OP. They know what they are talking about. You on the other hand don't know shit. You and those like you would be doing your self and all of us a big favor if you would stop thinking your ignorant opinions are worth a hill of beans. Try listening to people who know what they are talking about and shutting the **** up for once.