What's this leaf's fucking problem?

Nah I've had that and thought it was a nute deficiency..it was mites.

Thing is though that webbing would be rather visible at that point in mite damage! Plenty......
NO little tiny spots on the underside of the leaf - don't have to be moving boss!
Okay. I'm at day 48 flower. I'm in an aero tub. I switched to Lucas ratio about three weeks into flower. Running about 74 f with lights on. 58rh

I've been filling a 20 gal res with Lucas ratio which is 8ml and 16ml per gallon micro and bloom respectively. I go through alot of water so by day 3 or 4 I have to start adding water. I usually add 4 gallons a day of ro water. This last time I didn't have any and pump was showing so I threw in 2 gals of tap. High ppm water. Otherwise I added ro in the following days for a total of 18 gallons.
I use hydroguard at 2ml per.

When I noticed alot of yellowing at the beginning of the week I threw in the rest of my grow juice. Maybe 20 ml for the whole 20 gal.

I went to do complete res change today and at this point I'm just running ph ro water.

My ph stays at 6.2. 6.3. Even when I add ro water that is high 7s

Sorry I'm dealing with baby waking up and completely freaking out. I'm about to post pics of the sample leaves I took just now along with some shots of the garden.

I'm under HPS and using flash....
I will post pics and get back to the thread..
The ph fixes itself. I dump res. Spray it out. Add ro water. Add hydroguard. Add silica. Add micro add bloom.
It's always 6.3.

When I come into add more water I've seen it go as low as 5.7. No lower. When I add the new ro water it goes back up a bit. Sometimes 6.2. Never higher than 6.3.

However im using cheap ass meter this grow. Both ppm meters are fucked Soni don't even use those.

Sorry if I missed anything. ANY other questions?
Okay. I'm at day 48 flower. I'm in an aero tub. I switched to Lucas ratio about three weeks into flower. Running about 74 f with lights on. 58rh

I've been filling a 20 gal res with Lucas ratio which is 8ml and 16ml per gallon micro and bloom respectively. I go through alot of water so by day 3 or 4 I have to start adding water. I usually add 4 gallons a day of ro water. This last time I didn't have any and pump was showing so I threw in 2 gals of tap. High ppm water. Otherwise I added ro in the following days for a total of 18 gallons.
I use hydroguard at 2ml per.

When I noticed alot of yellowing at the beginning of the week I threw in the rest of my grow juice. Maybe 20 ml for the whole 20 gal.

I went to do complete res change today and at this point I'm just running ph ro water.

My ph stays at 6.2. 6.3. Even when I add ro water that is high 7s

Sorry I'm dealing with baby waking up and completely freaking out. I'm about to post pics of the sample leaves I took just now along with some shots of the garden.

I'm under HPS and using flash....
I will post pics and get back to the thread..

Hmm, are you adding any Ca/Mg to that at all? How often does tap come into play?

Kinda looks like the common 3 part and RO lack of Ca/Mg.....a bit of Ca def. and low on Mg. Some possible Micro def. Possible pH in play.

So then, pH is a part of this! LOW Mn, Ca effecting Mg uptake!
You need to pH the res to 5.7-5.8 and let the res rise to 6.2 and then adjust it down then.
In your case, I suggest down to 5.7 and let it rise and adjust down!

I have never been a fan of the Lucas formula - Just so you know. It does work, just don't like it...My 2 cents on that..(I should note that the newer extreme hot peppers. Do real well with the G&H 3 part Lucas and a Ca/Mg. Hand watered in soil!)

Now then back to problem. Bet you don't add a Ca/Mg do you?

START! ALWAYS Ca/Mg with RO! No getting around it!
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I would add Maxicrop seaweed to that too.......covers the micro's that are short changed by Lucas......Good Kelp product for you as it's not going to clog spray heads with particulate matter!
I have calmag. Or gh version calimagic

Do not use it. Tap is rare. Only to save pump. I have to lug in ro. Suspicious. ..

I plan on ro system next grow. If there is one.... :(

So I'm at 6.3 just ro.

Shall I add just cal mag and ph down to 5.7? I'm in lights out now. I can go n in with phone light or spotlight. Should I do this in a couple hours when I'm free?
The ph fixes itself. I dump res. Spray it out. Add ro water. Add hydroguard. Add silica. Add micro add bloom.
It's always 6.3.

When I come into add more water I've seen it go as low as 5.7. No lower. When I add the new ro water it goes back up a bit. Sometimes 6.2. Never higher than 6.3.

However im using cheap ass meter this grow. Both ppm meters are fucked Soni don't even use those.

Sorry if I missed anything. ANY other questions?

"FIX" self? NOPE!

Add a Ca/Mg if you don't
Do the pH as I directed and DON'T slouch on it!
Add the Maxicrop.....

Bet dimes to dollars = problem solved.
Now how nice do you think your next run wil be - Knowing this stuff ;-);-) :hug:
I have calmag. Or gh version calimagic

Do not use it. Tap is rare. Only to save pump. I have to lug in ro. Suspicious. ..

I plan on ro system next grow. If there is one.... :(

So I'm at 6.3 just ro.

Shall I add just cal mag and ph down to 5.7? I'm in lights out now. I can go n in with phone light or spotlight. Should I do this in a couple hours when I'm free?

Refer to the above! 8-)

Refer to the above! 8-)

Thanks so much man. You don't even know.

So do I go in during dark period and add everything? Do I wait 11 more hours?

Do i just add the cal mag?
Do i go heavier than the bottle recommends?
Thanks so much man. You don't even know.

So do I go in during dark period and add everything? Do I wait 11 more hours?

Do i just add the cal mag?
Do i go heavier than the bottle recommends?

Do this now....

Go in and add the Ca/Mg for the total amount of fluid in the res at the given rate of 5ml per gallon.
Adjust the pH down to the 5.7 and walk away.
Before adding back or topping off the res next time - check the pH first.
If between 5.7 and 6.2/6.3 - Top off and pH to THAT value! When the res hits 6.2 pH - adjust it down to 5.7 and be VERY religious about following that pHing guideline!
Add the Maxi when you can or start it next time.....

Do you ever dump and refill?
How much do you add back on a daily basis - you should be checking everyday for sure!
Do this now....

Go in and add the Ca/Mg for the total amount of fluid in the res at the given rate of 5ml per gallon.
Adjust the pH down to the 5.7 and walk away.
Before adding back or topping off the res next time - check the pH first.
If between 5.7 and 6.2/6.3 - Top off and pH to THAT value! When the res hits 6.2 pH - adjust it down to 5.7 and be VERY religious about following that pHing guideline!
Add the Maxi when you can or start it next time.....

Do you ever dump and refill?
How much do you add back on a daily basis - you should be checking everyday for sure!
I dump the old shit after I have added in the equivalent of the res. So 18 to 20 gallons and I do complete change out.

So I'm going to do as u say asap. Waiting on babysitter....

So just to be clear. There are no nutes in my water right now. Just ro ph'd to 6.3.

So I will add 100 ml of cal mag within the next hour or two. And ph to 5.7 .That is all unless you tell me otherwise.

In that case, when do I add the nutes?
I dump the old shit after I have added in the equivalent of the res. So 18 to 20 gallons and I do complete change out.

So I'm going to do as u say asap. Waiting on babysitter....

So just to be clear. There are no nutes in my water right now. Just ro ph'd to 6.3.

So I will add 100 ml of cal mag within the next hour or two. And ph to 5.7 .That is all unless you tell me otherwise.

In that case, when do I add the nutes?

Add back the nutes NOW too! Follow the Lucas formula....

Do all that and you should be golden.
Gotta run man. Gunna sit with my friend in the hospital and play some chess.....Hard to see him there with a stroke. Mind is 100% there and he's getting understandable talking.
Doc says that's a great sign already!
The wives are going out so mine can get Brenda out'a that hospital for awhile.

I'll check back with the post when I get home!
Gotta run man. Gunna sit with my friend in the hospital and play some chess.....Hard to see him there with a stroke. Mind is 100% there and he's getting understandable talking.
Doc says that's a great sign already!
The wives are going out so mine can get Brenda out'a that hospital for awhile.

I'll check back with the post when I get home!

Thanks for taking the time. Best of luck to your friend. Makes me feel bad for even worrying about this petty shit..

So I have 20 gal of ro. 40 ml hydroguard. 110 ml of cal mag. 160 micro. About 250 bloom cause I ran out....

Ph is down to 5.6. Thought that would be okay. Didn't want to add ph up for one point.

Thanks again. Invaluable. I'll keep the thread updated.