What's This?


Well-Known Member
Just found these rather attractive water droplets on the fan leaves of one plant when opening up the flower room. There's no sign of the water running down to and collecting there. It's no problem at all, just wondered, for the sake of understanding the herb a little better; how? what?

water droplets (2) 20-05-11.jpg

water droplets (1) 20-05-11.jpg


Well-Known Member
Humidity is prob a bit high through the dark as I turn the fan off (tent next to my bed). I kind of guessed it was transpiration, but why does it end up looking like that? I've seen water collected under leaves in the shade before, but that lay haphazardly (now there's a bloody nice word!)
So yeh, defiantly humidity. But no problem, just intriguing me....And later, if I'm no clearer no doubt it'll start to annoy me! :lol::wall::lol:


Well-Known Member
Noted Captain. Now I have seen it, wondered at it, asked about it, going to take measurements to prevent it. Shame. It's a pretty sight first thing in the morn.