i completely agree racerboy. altho the medical values of mj are quite astonishing.
if u have the time watch the entire episode.
besides those handful of people with terminal illnesses mj is used just like tobacco and alchohol, just for the high, by the majority of "card holders". THATS the reason i believe jersey is being such dicks. they know 75% of the peopel that will be getting these cards are just smoking to get high..... but... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THAT?!?! really in the grand scheme of things, how is that worst than me standing outside a liquor store at 15 asking people to buy me a bottle of henny?? they argue oh the kids the kids oh the teens are gonna think its ok to smoke mj.. TEENS are gonna get there 'high' whether it be liquor, weed or cigs regardless!!
i grew up in a bad neighberhood, crackheads, gunshots, police sirens at all times, you name it. IN new jersey. i got my liquor EVERY weekend. when i say EVERY weekend i mean EVERY WEEKEND. it got to the point that when i was 16 17 i didnt need noone to buy the liquor for me, the owner seen me or my boy so much that he didnt card he just cracked the bottle inside the store. so hows that for keeping kids of liquor?? which IS legal with a set standard to keep teens away from it.
weed i atcually could get EASIER than that. at 13 14 my first times i smoked weed, me and 2 of my boys went down a nameless block and just motioned like were smoking, thats it s simple hand to hand later we had a dime. no standing outside a liquor store waiting for the right person to walk in, no evading cops when leaving with a bottle, no dealing with crackheads outside the liquor store begging for shit. OH the DUTCH was actually harder to get than the fucking weed!!!
never not once ever did a weed dealer on the block ask me if i wanted some crack or heroine or e pills. those are real drugs. dealt by real drug dealers, there really is a difference betwn weed dealers and them other dealers.. at least in my experience.
ok racer starting the rant lol now im jumping in and im finished... to sum up what im sayin is that they think there protecting us by keeping it illegal. when in fact there putting teens in a higher risk of danger to get what there gonna get anyway. not to say that every teen smokes weed, but a damn good percent does. and the other percent that doesnt smoke weed probally drinks liquor or smokes cigs. so america you want a drugg free future? well if YOU wasnt fucked up for your entire existence on liquor cigs opium then maybe we wouldnt want to find our own escape in weed. the only escape that doesnt kill us. that doesnt make us more violent. that does actually promotes thought. does brings peace. bob marley was hospitliazed by a gun shot and almost died in the hospital. they interviewed him months after about that incident, asked him if he knew who shot him, he said yea, they asked have the caught the guy, he said no, live and let live.