I was just a twinkle in the '70s.I saw Bridges in Toronto at the Skydome, it was a good night,they were right on top form , the shitty Stones shows were in the 70's , they are great for the age they are after all...
Yes indeed he is!!!Neil Young, on the other hand, is still tearing it up.
I don't know who's worse...
I'm sure we all have pics of clothes we wore back in the day that are embarrassing to see today....Shit, I used to wear Tinfoil Clubbin shirts and put black light reflective gel in my hair (clear unless under black lights)..After hours parties in Vegas...I have pics but noone will ever see them....![]()
Are you serious or is it an educated guess....I just cant imagine people doin this to themselves.......where the fuck are the parents, why the fuck arent they kickin the shit out of these morons??? For get the parents even, parents, fuck, my friends would have kicked the shit out of me....metaphorically speakin.........Spray tan + booth tan + retin-a and steroid induced photo-sensitivity.
It is because the people they are copying are in fact black. Take a look at the cover of almost any rap cd, those are the guys they are trying to act like. Proof of this is the fact that whenever a rapper wears something new alot of people will rush and get the same shit. Thus the term "acting black".nah i see what ya saying i was just trying to figure out what "acting black" is because like i said I grew up in an all black neighborhood, and never saw my neighbors doing the stupid shit these kids do, i have however seen Puerto rican kids, white kids, mexican kids and asians doing it with quite a bit of frequency, so i didnt understand how they were acting black, i just think it doesn't need to be so vague, like why cant we just call them idiots and laugh about it, instead of making it color based, not bashing or calling anyone a racist....everyone says it, but it doesn't mean it's accurate....just my 2 cents
come on dawg he is a gangster model....ok, i'll leave britney alone.
it was this guy............................................
All the talk about how fat she got.....Bs man, She is still Way fukkin HoT!!!!