What's up with all these Democrats not paying their taxes?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Two nominees of the "It's patriotic to pay taxes" administration don't pay their taxes---while adopting policies that will raise taxes on everyone else......bastards :finger:

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
News flash....Nobody on Capitol Hill pays taxes. Seriously, look it up.


yes they do---or they are supposed to---but don't because they have nothing to fear---Charles Rangle---pays the late taxes after called on it by the media---but no penalites---Timothy Geithner pays up only before nomination---no penalites----Daschle---pays up before nomination---but tries to keep it quiet---caught---pays no penalties---somebody needs to tell Weslie Snipes about this shit :cuss:


Active Member
Now don't get me wrong I hated Bush, and I think that Obama is what we needed, but my only concern is the fact that he has stated time and again " There is no trust in Washington anymore by the American Citizen and I am here to restore that trust by holding the U.S. Government responsible." Yet he is continuing to stand by these guys who have failed to pay taxes. Daschle didn't even pay his Medicare taxes and yet Obama still states he is the best man for Medicare reform? What the hell kind of message does this send ? If he would have withdrew Daschle on moral grounds , I know it would have gave me a lot more confidence in the President. By him standing by him, I got to admit it makes me think it is the same old B.S.. Which I guess I knew it would be, but I had hopes.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Daschle raised a shit load of money for obama---introduced him to political players and gave him advice on how to get elected---pay to play---just another way.


Well-Known Member
My party was great until a fight broke out. I was so anihalated I jumped into the fight(since it was my party) and whooped their asses I have a pic Ill try to upload it


Active Member
I heard about Killefer this morning as well. I too am questioning what kind of "change" this administration is going to bring. Another thing that I do find kind of funny is the whole decriminalization of my favorite vice. Nothing would make me happier. However, does anyone really believe that the first African American President is going to be the one to legalize it? The consequences politically would be hysterical. I can hear all the racist people now. " First thing that black guy does is legalize dope." lol Needless to say I hope that the first thing he does is legalize dope.


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if any of the people expecting "change" actually looked into voting records and past actions.. this is no surprise.. there never was any real change- there never was any proof of change. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.. We live under a 2 party dictatorship, the sooner the masses realize this the better..

As far as hope for decriminalization.. where did that pipe dream come from? Obama has stated repeatidly he has no intentions to decriminialize, his appointments for his administration all do not support it..

Our income taxes are a joke.. of course most politicians don't pay them, they're unconstitutional and are meant for the slaves to pay.. Income taxes imply point blank that the government OWNS YOU, and OWNS your labor- which they extort at the end of a gun..

Mafia 101.. cmon people..