What's up with all these Democrats not paying their taxes?


Active Member
I know your right, I think the whole decriminalization thing started with the change.org website and the slow growth of medical marijuana acceptance in some states. The whole thing is so backasswards it kills me. I have recently moved back to the States, and this whole " Home of the free " crap is just that.CRAP... Unless of course you say your not free and the jackboots will be happy to beat your ass to prove your indeed free.


Well-Known Member
Haha.. "none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free"..

"Listen to everyone...read everything...believe absolutely nothing unless you can prove it in your own research."

We need people to become thirsty for truth, longing for knowledge... critically thinking.. And willing to walk the walk, endure the hard times, and work to achieve.. that has always been our American heritiage.. We need to reclaim that..


Active Member
I just saw where Daschle removed himself from appointment proceedings as he feels that due to the recent tax fiasco, he no longer has the trust of the American people, and feels that he could no longer be a asset to the administration. ....... hmmmm....

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Most of the people obama's been picking for the high profile positions had to/should drop out for doing unpatriotic stuff---too funny :)


Active Member
Muah.. I about pissed myself. Considering all that smoke belching from the exhaust maybe he would have been more of use working for the environment. lol