whats up with iowa.?


Well-Known Member
alright its been dry as hell in iowa for about a month or so if you live in iowa is it dry for you cause im wondering if its just were i live at?


Active Member
it's been really dry for quite a few months now. i don't live in des moines but that's where i usually get my stuff from and lately it's been next to impossible to find. i heard a huge bust is to blame. :-|...as if my contacts weren't limited enough.


There's treachery afoot
Des Moines is a friggin mess and I80 has been closed since last week (just reopened) so cross state traffic has not been easy over the last week due to a 120 mile detour. Have heard the stickies are hard to come by due to a large bust and the flooding issues. Cedar Rapids and Iowas City are having the same troubles.
Why don"t you just grow a little for personal consumption then you no longer need to worry about a dry spell?????


Active Member
Its not too good here in Wisconsin either. Its not Iowa, but we are next door. Its been like this for awhile actually...


Well-Known Member
Everyone is dry here - First time I can remember it happening. I always have a dealer of last resort, and even he is out till next week :(


Active Member
wow i know the feeling iowa needs sommthing prices have went way up to like $180 an O .whitch i refuse to pay that (when will this dryspell end :( )


Well-Known Member
fuck dude for you too?? i just paid 160 a oz and i was still scetchy on that and its not even that good of bud like i was payin 120 about a month ago for the same bud


Well-Known Member
did you hear about that 80 pound bust like a month ago man that would have been nice cause it was goin perdy close to me


Well-Known Member
did you hear about that 80 pound bust like a month ago man that would have been nice cause it was goin perdy close to me

Bro I'm in NYC and my local market was dry for a month. A fecking month. Never ever. Anyhow, the shite the market is selling is alright, but feck it costs more and sorry to say, not as good as the stuff prior to the drought. So I have to hit my grow stuff more.


Well-Known Member
A $180 an oz is good. IN the Chi its like $400 or better.

I am the super grower and I'm thinking about putting Iowa on the map but the penalties are just to high if you get busted. If you guys want to cross the border then come to the Chi and get right. 59th and Shields is right off the eway and if you drive you can get out here and back in less than 8 hrs.