whats up with my plants?


hey everyone im a first time grower and im having some problems...some of it might have to do with my natural approach but i thought i would check with people who actually know what might be going on.

the plant is just short of 8 weeks, its small i know but i havnt been using lights or anything...im completely growing these girls natural. and indoors...aside from letting them be outside when the sunshine is out.

ANYWAY, my problem is the leaves keep dieing...and fast.. its barely 2 days after the leaves grow to max and they start to wither and die. other then that the plants are growing healthy and strong..

Also my one smaller plant smells amazing. but the other one which is bigger and has more leaves smells of nothing, its very strange. as far as i know they are both female as i was givin plants in the past and turned out to be male. also the smaller one is producing fuller leaves...like 5 points...where as my bigger one is just chillen at 3 or 4.

can anyone help me out?..here are some pics....ohh yes and i noticed some black spots...you can see them in the picture. (the pics are only of the one big plant.) let me know if you need more pics! (no spider mites either i sprayed for those buggers long ago.)




Well-Known Member
Well, no.1, you can't spray in advance for spider mites . . . and some of your damage would indicate a possible mite infestation beginning. Check the undersides again.
The black spot(s) could be eggs from a drive-by squirting.


Well, no.1, you can't spray in advance for spider mites . . . and some of your damage would indicate a possible mite infestation beginning. Check the undersides again.
The black spot(s) could be eggs from a drive-by squirting.

well i mean i sprayed them when i saw the bugs when they first came and have been checking the plants everyday since. havnt seen any or signs of them, just noticed the black spots today. the leaves have been dieing like this since the plant first started basicly. could it be from spraying the plant with the pesticide?...the brands is " Scotts Ecosense."


the strain is jack herer. i dont know if they need special treatment or what. could anyone tell me a mite killer that wont hurt my plants?


ok just thought i would make things clear....plant was growing fine at first...got mites...sprayed the mites leaves started dieing. i obviously havnt used the spray since. and that was about a month ago.


Well-Known Member
You could try this, borrowed from another RIUpper. With mites, it's necessary to spray again after about 3 weeks to get the eggs . . . probably why yours may be back?

Take a misting water bottle that has the trigger on it.
  • Cover just the bottom of the bottle with dish soap (I use the orange anti-bacterial kind)
  • Fill 3/4 with just tap water
  • fill remaining 1/4 with white vinegar
  • shake gently, not too much though or you will have lots of bubbles, lol
  • spray all over your plants, under the leaves and the top of the soil unitl a light coating is on there (don't get it sopping wet)
  • leave on at least a few hours or over night
  • spray off all the plant ( I do this with clean water in the spray bottle)
  • bugs gone, shiny leaves.