What's up with my plants?


Alright, I know I've got some sort of deficiency, not sure what. Can anyone give me some help? Some leaves are curling down, others are scooping up. I've been giving them tap water since I've had them(2 weeks-ish), finally went and got water from a machine last night to avoid the calcium salt buildup, I've been especially light on the nutrients because my last grow was shitty from me over-fertilizing,



Well-Known Member
I am a firm believer in if it aint broke dont fix it. First thing I saw was you have them in tiny little solo cups, get the into some 1-3 gallon pots. The soil looks like mud how much are you watering?


Yeah, definitely in too small of a container. Going to get soil this week, already have the 5 gallon pots.

As for the "Mud", I had watered shortly before andI water when they start to droop. And please excuse me, but what did I try to fix? If you're talking about the tap water thing, my water is hard (210 on the ppm meter) so I do need to buy filtered water from a machine.


Well-Known Member
Since I dont know I will ask. Are they to small to worry about calcium buildup at this point? or lockout? I dont know to me they are to small to worry about that.

I agree transplant in good grow material and start feeding them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, definitely in too small of a container. Going to get soil this week, already have 5 gallons.

As for the "Mud", I had watered shortly before andI water when they start to droop. And please excuse me, but what did I try to fix? If you're talking about the tap water thing, my water is hard (210 on the ppm meter) so I do need to buy filtered water from a machine.
an ro water filter is a good investment.


Ursus marijanus
210 ppm tap is perfectly fine for soil. But definitely get them into a bigger container with fresh soil. The roots like to breathe.

I also think that they look undernourished. No need to go overboard, but definitely give them a shot of nutes. A repotting into good soil (like FF Ocean Forest) is two birds with one, uuhh, dude wait what? cn


Active Member
210 ppm tap is perfectly fine for soil. But definitely get them into a bigger container with fresh soil. The roots like to breathe.

I also think that they look undernourished. No need to go overboard, but definitely give them a shot of nutes. A repotting into good soil (like FF Ocean Forest) is two birds with one, uuhh, dude wait what? cn
listen to canna. ive found in just this grow alone and with the help of rollitup that its all about those roots. bigger pots! and i second FFoF it is very rich and I'm getting closer to flower everyday. 2 transplants in -1 more to go and each one brings new nutes. I've been burned by the ladies and I don't wanna be burned again :finger:


Well-Known Member
listen to your plants.... not people. lol

to me, the problem looks to be with your soil.... time release nutes are the enemy...


Well-Known Member
I am a firm believer in if it aint broke dont fix it. First thing I saw was you have them in tiny little solo cups, get the into some 1-3 gallon pots. The soil looks like mud how much are you watering?
i can yield a 1/2z of finished product on a 9 week flower cycle from clone or seed, per solo cup..... but its a method i perfected over many trials and errors. how many solo cups can you fit, in say, a 4x4 footprint? ALOT, if you tier them ;)

lesson? dont knock it till you try it


Active Member
i can yield a 1/2z of finished product on a 9 week flower cycle from clone or seed, per solo cup..... but its a method i perfected over many trials and errors. how many solo cups can you fit, in say, a 4x4 footprint? ALOT, if you tier them ;)

lesson? dont knock it till you try it
Only problem I have with that is the less plants flowering in your grow the better off you'll be if the cops come a knocking. I'm a medical grower and can only have 6 plants in flowering for my hubby
and 6 for every patient I have (1). I'm a real stickler about keeping my plant numbers down.


Well-Known Member
i can yield a 1/2z of finished product on a 9 week flower cycle from clone or seed, per solo cup..... but its a method i perfected over many trials and errors. how many solo cups can you fit, in say, a 4x4 footprint? ALOT, if you tier them ;)

lesson? dont knock it till you try it
did you say solo cups??


Okay, one other thing- How should I arrange these plants in a 6'x6' space?

4 individual 3x3 scrogs? Two 3x6 screens- two clones a screen? Also what size should I get each plant before I flower and put the screen up?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, definitely in too small of a container. Going to get soil this week, already have the 5 gallon pots.

As for the "Mud", I had watered shortly before andI water when they start to droop. And please excuse me, but what did I try to fix? If you're talking about the tap water thing, my water is hard (210 on the ppm meter) so I do need to buy filtered water from a machine.
Yeah I meant the water. 210ppm for tap water is not too bad at all. My tap water is over 500ppm. If you are watering so much that is is making mud then you are over watering. Droopy plants after a watering is a sign of too much water.
If using RO water you need to add in ca mag or do as I do add a little bit of tap water to the RO water. I add like 10% tap water to put back in some of the elements the RO filter removes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I meant the water. 210ppm for tap water is not too bad at all. My tap water is over 500ppm. If you are watering so much that is is making mud then you are over watering. Droopy plants after a watering is a sign of too much water.
If using RO water you need to add in ca mag or do as I do add a little bit of tap water to the RO water. I add like 10% tap water to put back in some of the elements the RO filter removes.
Do you actually know what you are talking about?? Droopy plants after watering means you are watering too OFTEN.....I run 15 gallons of water through my 5 gallon pots once a week with no drooping.