What's Up With Rick Perry?


Well-Known Member
So he says if Bernanke does any more QE, it's treasonous (or was it treacherous?)
But suggesting that Texas secede from the U.S., that's not treason?


Well-Known Member
Rick Perry Should organize a prayer session and have every one pray Ron Paul wins, then he should wait untill the primaries and vote for his fellow Texan, Dr Ron Paul


Well-Known Member
Rick Perry Should organize a prayer session and have every one pray Ron Paul wins, then he should wait untill the primaries and vote for his fellow Texan, Dr Ron Paul
I think I said this already someplace, but oh well. If RP wins even a couple important primaries, the convention will be a hoot lol


Active Member
Rick Perry was trained by the one and only Karl Rove and is following the same exact playbook as good old georgie dubya right down to the "touched by an angel" excuse for running. Evil, evil, evil. I was shocked when W was elected. I was appalled when W was reelected. If Perry wins, I really am leaving the United States.


Well-Known Member
Rick Perry was trained by the one and only Karl Rove and is following the same exact playbook as good old georgie dubya right down to the "touched by an angel" excuse for running. Evil, evil, evil. I was shocked when W was elected. I was appalled when W was reelected. If Perry wins, I really am leaving the United States.
I sure hope you have a whole bunch of money so that you can repatriate somewhere else, otherwise its a really long expensive process.


Well-Known Member
We should start an investment fund where we can all invest in an island where we can move if Ron Paul is not elected president in 2012- We can buy the island and move their and appoint Ron Paul king and ask him to draft our constitution and serve as our king for the rest of his life.


Well-Known Member
We should start an investment fund where we can all invest in an island where we can move if Ron Paul is not elected president in 2012- We can buy the island and move their and appoint Ron Paul king and ask him to draft our constitution and serve as our king for the rest of his life.
I don't think a title of nobility would wash with good ole RP.


Well-Known Member
he said it may of been just an act of god. he didn't say it was a sure thing he did it. he needs to sponsor another pray for rain event for texas, the last one hasn't worked yet.

Rick Perry says the BP oil spill was an act of god...


Well-Known Member
Rick Perry says the BP oil spill was an act of god...
I knew about his support for the bailouts but this is...umm....wow...color me speechless. As a Republican, not even putting a gun to my head would force me to vote for this buffoon.

When (much to my chagrin) McCain took last Republican Nomination, I turned to my wife and said "The GOP just handed the win to the Dems."...I just told her about this (we both support Ron Paul) and she said that if the GOP is FUCKING STOOPID enough again and nominate this RETARD...they'll do it again. Based upon past experience, I don't harbor much faith in the GOP.