What's up with texting anyway?


Well-Known Member
My wife has a friend that refuses to call and speak with her, she texts everything. And kids are always texting instead of calling each other. What is the appeal in typing a message on a tiny phone keypad back and forth when you can talk to the person and save twenty minutes of back and forth texting when a two minute phone call can cover everything. It's like people are afraid to directly speak to each other.


RIU Bulldog
I swear I wanna get out of the car and strangle at a red light, anyone I see texting while driving.


Active Member
we are just moving towards more indirect forms of communication. email and interwebz started it all....fuck im not surprised people aren't doing sign language more LOL


Well-Known Member
we are just moving towards more indirect forms of communication. email and interwebz started it all....fuck im not surprised people aren't doing sign language more LOL

And yet we see people tethered to their cell phone...Walking around in public texting or having it glued to their ears, ignoring everyone around them


Well-Known Member
I don't mind texting because I can respond to the person when I have time.

Blue Tooth wearers bother me, keep that shit off when you're standing next to someone at the urinal.


Well-Known Member
lol texting...
get with the program, it's all about iMessage these days.

and what happened to bbm? do people still use that?

everyone i work with has an imac, macbook pro, ipad, iphone. people are all over that shit these days.


Well-Known Member
The saddest thing I saw in relation to this was a group of about 12 young people at a college campus, standing on a corner waiting for a bus, and every one of them had their heads down, eyes glued to their phones.

Just plain sad...


I personally hate talking on the phone, its usually awkward. I suck it up though because its incredibly faster than texting. I agree with you guys though, people get to into their phones and miss out on the world.


Well-Known Member
I was able to donate to the red cross through text while updating my facebook status and sending a tweet.


Active Member
Yea I also think these days people are more comfortable with indirect communications , its easier for them to say what they want when they cant see or hear you.


Active Member
My biggest issue with texting, are the kids and people texting out at the lake.
Thats sad.. Sitting on the beach, you look over at a group of younger kids and there textin, or doing w/e on there phones.
Then when you think its all nice and quite sitting by the camp fire, bing bang boop god damn peoples phones everywhere.!!
I blame the cellphone companies for making a bigger talk zone in your area...


Well-Known Member
texting is the shit...

what I think all of you are referring to is internet access n shit on phones.... facebook most specifically... my sister is always glued to facebook on her smartphone... when her husband calls her out it's like poking a mountain lion with a sharp stick....


Active Member
only time im on my bb for a long is simpson arcade lol, and thats when im stucking doing fuck all at work.