Whats up with the fox farm feeding chart?


Well-Known Member
I just checked out fox farm's website (their feeding schedule). I have one printed already but dont have it with me and was looking something up & noticed its different now.

Not just the design but the amounts seem off...also i noticed they suggest flushing after 4 weeks. again after week 7. again at wk 10 etc.

whats the deal?
The reason they tell you to flush at those times is because of salt buildup. I prefer to just give the plants good runoff every time I do water, which negates having to do any flush. I don't like flushing soil unless it means life/death for the plant.
The amounts and frequencies have not changed. Just the design of the schedule (I MUCH prefer the older simpler design personally) and they have added in Sledgehammer, Kangaroots, and Microbe Brew. They have had the scheduled flushes on the schedule since the introduction of Sledgehammer (which is very good stuff, I might add). Since adding the new "Bush Doctor" line to my watering/nutes regimen I have seen a very definite increase in both yield and quality. And ignore the haters --- there is NOTHING wrong with FF nutes. I've tried the full AN lineup, as well as most of the others, including Botanicare, and I have consistently gotten the best results with the Fox Farm lineup. Now your results may vary with a different strain, conditions, etc. Experiment and figure out what your girls REALLY like. I have grown nothing but Dinafem Power Kush for a couple of years now, and that strain LOVES the entire FF lineup at FULL strength.
Because stone cold said so


The reason they tell you to flush at those times is because of salt buildup. I prefer to just give the plants good runoff every time I do water, which negates having to do any flush. I don't like flushing soil unless it means life/death for the plant.

Ah i see. makes sense. I too water more at a time then absolutely necessary as i was taught to grow that way from the start. I didnt know people actually flushed habitually like the chart indicates. I try to water 1:1 soil to water ratio usually when i could get by with half that.

The amounts and frequencies have not changed. Just the design of the schedule (I MUCH prefer the older simpler design personally) and they have added in Sledgehammer, Kangaroots, and Microbe Brew. They have had the scheduled flushes on the schedule since the introduction of Sledgehammer (which is very good stuff, I might add). Since adding the new "Bush Doctor" line to my watering/nutes regimen I have seen a very definite increase in both yield and quality. And ignore the haters --- there is NOTHING wrong with FF nutes. I've tried the full AN lineup, as well as most of the others, including Botanicare, and I have consistently gotten the best results with the Fox Farm lineup. Now your results may vary with a different strain, conditions, etc. Experiment and figure out what your girls REALLY like. I have grown nothing but Dinafem Power Kush for a couple of years now, and that strain LOVES the entire FF lineup at FULL strength.

I see. ive never bought anything from FF but their ocean forest and liquid nute trio. Never justified spending all the extra $ on the additives. So they really are worth the extra $? Ive always stayed away from additives in the past since ive read the horror stories about how (for example) certain companies were basically selling people pure molasses for 3-4xs what you could get it for the in the store etc.

just sayin.

in my experience FF has always been a good stand up company. thats why i questioned the other poster as to why i should use anything else :)