What's up with the NorCal weed market?

Now that all the outdoor weed is flooding in I can't seem to move my stuff. I grow some killer indoor that looks great and is potent as hell. I used to get $3200/lb but lately it's been super slow. Maybe it's time to drive down to the OC.

Anybody else going through the same thing?


Well-Known Member
Ahh good ol' Supply and demand ...Just think somewhere someone with the loot would Kill To Get some Buds Right Now ...They just can't find any :(


Well-Known Member
See it all the time, outdoor comes in nothing moves for three weeks than people get tired of it. Happens just after New Years too, everyone is broke from Christmas and NY's so another slow month. Keep the faith another 2 weeks and its Christmas season and no one wants outdoor for Christmas.
Thing is the stuff I sell to some of the local guys is barely more expensive than the outdoor and I have to think it's more potent. Oh well, guess I'll just sit on what I've got and wait it out...unless the permitted mega-growers in Oakland and Berkeley are up and running by then...

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
If you have a surplus, you could send some to.. say... the midwest!
I know a few folks who might be interested...


Well-Known Member
Thing is the stuff I sell to some of the local guys is barely more expensive than the outdoor and I have to think it's more potent. Oh well, guess I'll just sit on what I've got and wait it out...unless the permitted mega-growers in Oakland and Berkeley are up and running by then...

He who waits, Will Most assuredly Get paid More. But sadly for most the desire for any money quickly overrides the good common sense and forethought :)

Fack them mega Growers I Hope they catch a Wicked Case of spidermites ....(Hmmm..Wonder how that place got infested) :finger:


The outdoor season is to be expected...BUT the price gouging from these clubs is not! You can't tell me that just because the outdoor is here that the price for some top shelf indoor has droped below $2000/lb. Example friend of mine a new grower went into The Green Temple in Sac and they took advantage of him cause he needed some loot and gave him $550 for a half lb for the same strain that I get $3500/lb for...yet they posted it on their menu for $330 an oz! Its bull crap we don't need these clubs they need us!!!

Total Head

Well-Known Member
this might sound stupid but you should try to find a buyer in another state. i'm in the northeast and my dealer flies out to cali once a month to view and get his herb then he mails it back. he's willing to spend the money to do this because he can make CRAZY money around here off that shit for the price he gets it for in cali. he's always grower-hopping because once the grower figures out what dude is selling it for they jack the price up.