Whats up with these little microscopes guys!!!!!!!!

Hey guys ,anyone ever used one of those 60-100 times microscopes from Radioshack? I just baught one to check out harvesting maturity and am having a hell of a time focusing with it .Is it just me or is there a special way of using this with buds? any help would be great my fellow gardeners PEACE the SIZZ:wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
ya you cut a tiny piece off of what I call the small sugar leaves (right by the bud). then you set it on the white piece of paper and set the scope on it (the little clear part is where you put it). Then get it under the viewing part and play with the two setting to focus on it, and slowly move it around.


Well-Known Member
i got a 60x loupe, too sensitive to use aside from how rock said. i got a 30x loupe, still magnifies enough to see the trichs, and can be used on the plant without cutting some off and putting it on paper. even breathing with the 60x loupe screwed things up for me


Well-Known Member
Yeah i got one of those too, their a bitch to get use too.. Pretty much don't shake and hold your breath lol.
just like taking plant pics with a camera, the littlest shake and its blurry. But I have never had sucess looking at em without cutting a small piece off


Well-Known Member
I found it easiest to hold the scope in one hand and move the bud around to focus it. Put it on x60. Or put your camera on the micro setting. Take a pic, download it and you can enlarge it on your computer. Its amazing what you can see.


Active Member
I have an old telescope and use my 30x eye piece to view trichs. I bought a shack 60-100x and as said, to shaky.


bud bootlegger
i prefocus it before getting over to the bud.. also, just leave it on the 60x setting, that is fine.. i put the mic on the bud, and use the bud to steady the mic with it that way.. than, i just move the bud around and hold the mic still to see what i want to see.. seems to work much better that way for me..
Hey everyone here at RIU thanks for all your help its really working pretty good now . I can actually focus with it yea you are all right it takes a little practice . At first I even thaught it might be malfunctioned guess i was wrong we live and learn i guess. Looking for good friends here at RIU so checkout my profile guys and befriend me as im trying to see if i can get as many friends here as my girl has on her facebook lololo just a little expieriment. Help me out guys and ill always get back to you thanks my fellow gardeners I know my girls on the hunt for friends too however im not much of a facebook guy as i get way better friends and info here. I hope i didnt write a check that my ass cant cash lololol well see she and I were discussing this the other night and I had forgot then today she asked me how i was doing and ofcourse i didnt have an answer so any help will be appreciated PEACE the SIZZ


Well-Known Member
once you get it in focus for your eyes. it shouldn't take much the next time to just set in on the bud and very little adjustment should be required.

the newbies

Active Member
I know my status isn't high but if u get one with a light and turn out the light that makes it easy as hell. atleast it was for me


Active Member
I just purchased one of these and can't stand it...... I can't stop looking at shit on my ladies and I find left over mite eggs on every dam leaf and start stressing trying to figure out if the little bitches are gonna hatch.... I think I need to get rid of this dam thing!