What's up with this funky lady?


Ok. This girl (pics taken between 26 and 31 days after 12/12 switch) started looking like this midway through vegging- leaves edges and tips curving downward- upside down canoe style? Her growth and budding has been great in spite of it, so I haven't worried about it too much- thought maybe it's just a quirk particular to her, as she is the only one doing this?

So just curious. What do ya'll think is making her do this?

She is the front left girl in the big pic.



Temps have been pretty consistently between 70 and 80. Earlier in veg, they got up to 85 for a high, and now that we're well into flowering, the temps have been on the lower end- occasionally as low as 65 at night- but no sudden jolts from one extreme to the other. Vegging humidity between 50-60%, flowering now right at 40%. Generally, they get fed when the top half inch is dry. During vegging, they were getting two doses of nutes followed by just water for the third, and then repeating. In flowering, have been moving to smaller, more frequent meals. Noticed some slight nute burn today, and it's time to move to molasses and then flush anyway, so that's it for the nutes from here out. Umm... letsee... feeding per instructions on the bottle- general hydro. They're in one gallon bags that drain well with mostly peat moss and perlite, but there's some regular, nothing extra added potting mix in there too. Have some small gnats, but nothing terribly concerning there. That's all the major variables I can think of right off...
Oh- and they're a random mixed up together bag of purple urkle, purple haze and trainwreck. I have no idea which is which. There are two distinct types in there though- four of the six are taller, lanky, skinnier leaves. This girl in question is one of them, though she's the only one that is doing this. Today I noticed some of the hairs on these girls are turning a peach-ish orange. Now they're really starting to smell- day 41 today since 12/12 flip- these taller girls I'm getting primarily sage and mint, lemon on the top, and a strong menthol-like current through it.

The other two are shorter, closer nodes and less canopy stretch, definitely bushier, more indica like leaves. Almost looks like pinkish hairs starting to pop out of the white clusters. Very heavy pine scent- sage and something almost earthy/musky to it. Looking and feeling a lot stickier than the other four....

Noob grower1

Active Member
I wouldn't say over watering... Looks like heat stress but only one plant has t... Check ph looks like over nutes to me.. Next feeding IDE check ph run off. U got burnt tips. Mainly caused by burnin with nutes. Did your use same batch of water/nutes for all plants?
Ya noob- same nutes and water on all the girls. I don't think overwatering either- when she dries out, her leaves stay curled like that but they just sag until she gets watered. Will check ph. I wondered if maybe she could be root bound?


New Member
i was just reading that when leaves canoe its a deficiency. when they canoe up, its one thing, and when they canoe down like that, its another. im sorry i dont remember the micro nute it is, but its a micro nute deficiency. someone will come around and help you out soon.


Active Member
i had the same problem with my purple kush in coco. i never worried to much about it tho so not sure i can help other than letting u know those are most likely ur erkle plants. let them go 70 days if u can and the reward is well worth the wait. the tallest is probably the trainwreck which should go 75-90 days if i remember as that long flower time kept me from ever running it. maybe wait a cpl weeks to flush and feed the agressive bloom mixture gh offers online but only about 75% then hit them with molasses around day 55-60. that sugar will cause the plants to use watever leftover food very fast and leave will yellow as it uses all that stored up food. all those strains are fire so dont rush or starve them at a crucial point. good luck in the next month buddy
Hey thanks pirate- I appreciate it! I'm on day 44 now, and was planning to go to molasses this weekend for a week, maybe two depending on how they look, then water from there. I think I might try snagging some clones this weekend too- was going to remove a few lower branches anyway- might as well see if I can't get them to root. Gotta do something- all this dang waiting is making me twitch lolol!


New Member
also they taco if stressed by heat but like that i think is something different. and you should be controlling temps if youre trying to grow
Hey thanks for the advice bmeat, but if you read through at all, my temps are pretty well spot on. Not perfect- but probably the least of my worries, atm... How's that tomato plant coming along, btw?


Well-Known Member
Definately looks like heat stress or possibly under watering, some plants are just more sensitive to heat than others. Sativas grow better in warmer climates. The only time I've ever had plants do that is when I didn't have enough airflow or circulation in the room.


Well-Known Member
as you have different strains in there, the 1 with problems may be sensitive to the nutes you are giving them, is it getting too much N
I was reading some last night and think I figured some things out-- namely, how the hell have these plants grown AT ALL? Let's play a fun game called 'Count the Problems!'
These things are 3-4 feet tall, and in one gallon bags.
The grow medium is mostly sphagnum peat moss, which I just read has a really wacky ph and should be treated with dolomite lime.
I've used no dolomite lime.
I have no ph tester
They've been grown with general hydro nutes, mostly alternating feedings with water.
They have never been flushed.

These poor ladies are probably root bound with compacted medium that isn't letting nutes in, with fert. salt build up, an awful ph

I'm psyched she doesn't look worse lol


Well-Known Member
Buy the little bottle/solution pH test kit. No meter needed. Your solution in question the test bottle, then add X number of drops as instructed and check the resulting color against the color chart. Cheap and accurate as hell.