What's Up With This?


Well-Known Member
This subforum used to be about Legalizing weed, thats all I ever saw. Now nobody wants it legalized? I personally look forward to legaly growing my own. Screw "Pot walmarts" :joint:
I'd have to think the reason would be it would hurt their sales. I suppose it could be argued with so many growers that their gardens would get pollinated. Why some people might even grow large quantities outdoors just to pollinate your females.
Look at all the $$$ made from selling MJ,

Look at how much is made selling the foreign seeds, the whole industry thrives on the up-charge on illegality.

Look at all the pol. departments that would not have all that easy dough from the seized private property and fines.

Look at all the specialty nutrients, lighting, fans, filters and other equipment that can charge more now, instead of having to compete with walmart who would be selling the walmart brand.

Lots of people stand to loose big time if MJ is legalized.

I say legalize it, let the people have their freedom back. S
I was hearing that if it is legalized that thay would charge a indoor grower almost 6,000 dollars in taxes a year.I dont know how true this is but Im sure if they legalize it people will get taxed to some extent.
Thats only for one county, please do research and back your claims up with specific data. Sacramento county only on that one.
yea some people even say taxes would be 15,000 for a license to grow. All BS. They will prob have a 1,000 dollar tax a year for those who grow at home ect and then simply tax the sale of it in stores like booze. so imagine if you have 1,000,000 people paying 1,000 dollars a year thats 1billion in rev, before even taking into consideration taxes collected via normal purchases.
No problem wyteberrywidow. and remember, that other counties will have way lower taxes, so all you gotta do is move to the best county, and that count will THRIVE.

Btw vertise, they cant tax home growers that are growing for personal consumption, only if your selling.

Thats like saying, im going to tax you for growing apples in your backyard and eating them.
They can tax you however they want, do they no but yes they will for such a product as marijuana. Simply making a license to grow which can cost someone 1,000 dollars is a tax. I never thought i would be taxed/fined if i didnt purchase healthcare via a private company but i will be now if i don't. Hell i could tech. go to jail for not having purchased healthcare. Crazier then thinking that taxing mj when grown at home is out of the governments reach. Another example is getting taxed because of the square footage of your house. Lets say you have to properties one acre each. On one property you have a 1,000 sqf house and the other a 2,000 sqf house. why does the 2,000 sqf pay more in taxes then the 1,000 sqf house.
yea some people even say taxes would be 15,000 for a license to grow. All BS. They will prob have a 1,000 dollar tax a year for those who grow at home ect and then simply tax the sale of it in stores like booze.

sort of. I'm in total support of prop 19, but to be fair in some cities/counties it will cost $15k for a license to grow commercially. Some places it will cost more than that. Other places it will probably cost 1k. Each city and county will choose their own laws. Some counties/cites will make good laws, others will make bad laws. Just like with anything else...

remember, these permits are only if you're growing to sell it, not personal use.
Not talking about commercial, i am talking about small independent grows for personal consumption via a required annual renewel of a permit which would not be 15k. I do not grow for profit as most people with in california don't. However i would not mind paying a grand a year for a permit which allows me to grow for personal consumption. Its kind of like the idea that in some states you have to pay a annual fee to renew your gun license. For large commercial grows i could care less how much tax they charge. Also it is not clear if there will be a permit required because that is still local gov's call.
Not talking about commercial, i am talking about small independent grows for personal consumption via a required annual renewel of a permit which would not be 15k. I do not grow for profit as most people with in california don't. However i would not mind paying a grand a year for a permit which allows me to grow for personal consumption. Its kind of like the idea that in some states you have to pay a annual fee to renew your gun license. For large commercial grows i could care less how much tax they charge. Also it is not clear if there will be a permit required because that is still local gov's call.

Well only city in the state is proposing a tax on personal growing. Since it doesn't seperate medical growing for recreational, I doubt it's constitutional. It'll likely end up being thrown out in court.