What's up with US pot tourism?


Well-Known Member
No there really were rumors of a change in the Dutch laws prohibiting non-nationals from buying any. I think the law actually passed, but was quickly overturned once they thought about all the lost tourism dollars.
Yeah, the thing about the Netherlands is that they can pass a law but it's up to the locals as to enforcement. The push was started by Maastricht, a Dutch city on the German border. While it did look as if the plan might be used in Amsterdam, it has not. Maastricht, however, shut down all their coffee shops. There were about four.


Well-Known Member
I imagine it will be a bunch of out of staters just blown away with being able to buy weed in a store. I imagine stoned people driving slow as fuck.
Interesting to see, please let us know what, if anything, ends up different.

The massive benefits of legalization are pretty obvious.
I am fairly familiar with the benefits of legalization, but am looking for examples of how society will change.

My imperfect understanding of the law suggests that open marijuana use in a public place is not permitted. So businesses such as this may get shut down. It depends on how they enforce.

I disagree. The mmj movement was the tipping point. I was pimping hemp before you were born.
not sure which part you disagree with but I will assume it is my point about legalized marijuana movement in the US springing from medical use. Ok, I'll restate it. Holand does have a tradition of tolerance going back hundreds of years. The US does not. Any time the US is on the cutting edge of something, I expect blowback. Also, you don't know my age.


Well-Known Member
I am fairly familiar with the benefits of legalization, but am looking for examples of how society will change.
People will stop thinking about race and creed. Societal boundaries will crumble. The rich will start giving, the poor will start educating themselves. Cats and dogs will live together in harmony.

My imperfect understanding of the law suggests that open marijuana use in a public place is not permitted. So businesses such as this may get shut down. It depends on how they enforce.
Unless the law allows, businesses will not allow on premise consumption. Same as liquor stores. I would love a coffee shop where cannabis consumption is allowed.


Well-Known Member
Trousers, I thought in Co. there was already a private "Pot club" that met over the top of a bar? Or did that get the keibash already?


Well-Known Member
Uncle, maybe I'm misinterpreting. As far as Cannabis goes we do have a long tradition of tolerance. It's been illegal here less than 100 years and our founders grew hemp and the first draft of the constitution is said to be written upon hemp paper.

Now if you are talking ethnic tolerance, then yes our history sucks on that one.


Well-Known Member
Uncle, maybe I'm misinterpreting. As far as Cannabis goes we do have a long tradition of tolerance. It's been illegal here less than 100 years and our founders grew hemp and the first draft of the constitution is said to be written upon hemp paper.

Now if you are talking ethnic tolerance, then yes our history sucks on that one.
Fair point. Way back when there was such an enlightened current. But you have to admit that things have changed a whole lot since. That wave of enlightenment has long been washed away. Our more recent traditions have been to attempt to ban alcohol and successfully banned just about anything else. Glad the tide seems to be changing but I am still holding my breath. This is a very squirrelly country right now IMO. We'll see where it goes.


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to look at it like a math problem and the population keeps throwing out variables. If I could have back the money I wasted on booze and women I would buy a place in the mountains and self substinence as much as possible. Alas, forging new paths, but they'll get me back there yet.


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to look at it like a math problem and the population keeps throwing out variables. If I could have back the money I wasted on booze and women I would buy a place in the mountains and self substinence as much as possible. Alas, forging new paths, but they'll get me back there yet.
Math is rational (well, rational math). Americans tend to be hysterical. We're not so good with gray areas; Want it all black and white. We don't tolerate contradictions well and want to see the world as angels and devils.


Well-Known Member
Trousers, I thought in Co. there was already a private "Pot club" that met over the top of a bar? Or did that get the keibash already?

I have no idea. I have heard of private pot clubs. You pay to go what I do in my garage for free. No thanks. A bar is having a show where you can pay to get in and they will be passing out weed you can smoke there.
There are daily articles in the Denver Post about the looming sales. I think there was an article today about concerts and "pot friendly" shows etc. The Willie Nelson concert I went to a few years back was not pot friendly, but I never saw so much weed being smoked in my life.

Again, I would love to see coffee shops where you could smoke, but right now they are not happening. The Colorado indoor clean air act was amended to include marijuana, so technically the pot friendly events are not legal. The good thing is that a bar or venue could just pay a fine $200 for the first offense and $500 for subsequent offenses. The problem is bars could lose their liquor licenses for such violations.

The politicians are dragging their feet, kicking and screaming. Those dumb bastards hate freedom and liberty.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea. I have heard of private pot clubs. You pay to go what I do in my garage for free. No thanks. A bar is having a show where you can pay to get in and they will be passing out weed you can smoke there.
There are daily articles in the Denver Post about the looming sales. I think there was an article today about concerts and "pot friendly" shows etc. The Willie Nelson concert I went to a few years back was not pot friendly, but I never saw so much weed being smoked in my life.

Again, I would love to see coffee shops where you could smoke, but right now they are not happening. The Colorado indoor clean air act was amended to include marijuana, so technically the pot friendly events are not legal. The good thing is that a bar or venue could just pay a fine $200 for the first offense and $500 for subsequent offenses. The problem is bars could lose their liquor licenses for such violations.

The politicians are dragging their feet, kicking and screaming. Those dumb bastards hate freedom and liberty.
Thanks. Good info. Keep it coming. Is your garage nice? How many can we fit in there?


Well-Known Member
No there really were rumors of a change in the Dutch laws prohibiting non-nationals from buying any. I think the law actually passed, but was quickly overturned once they thought about all the lost tourism dollars.
the law was passed so to speak but it was then up to the mayor of said areas to enforce it and of course the dam and most said fuck that i want my tourist money lol i think theres a town or 2 that are enforcing it tho.

Silly String

Well-Known Member
I realize that you meant to say Washington and Colorado, but Oregon does have it's own form of Pot Tourism in existence (only in Summer though, as the rest of the year it is fucking RAINING CONSTANTLY)(yes, I think I might be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder) :-) The Summer festivals (Country Faire, several Hemp Festivals, Fairie World, Reggae Fest) all bring in a lot of tourists, and while weed is not the formal focus for some of these gatherings, it's everywhere! We recently voted to legalize dispensaries, so who knows how they will capitalize on the tourism thing.

I know I would pay money to go on a tour of the Stanley Brothers grow op in Colorado. I saw their set up on the Sanja Gupta MMJ special, and it was phenomenal.